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[sumo-user] Trip duration looks incomplete?


I'm trying to understand the duration values I'm getting in the trip info output.

I have very simple network where two streets of length 500, and I created a route to go from one street to the other. The route length output in the trip info is 1000.0 as expected. I am simulating a single vehicle going through this route with max speed = 10.0.

My issue is that I expect the trip duration to be 100.0, but instead I am getting a duration of 99.991.

See output for reference:

<tripinfo id="v0" depart="0.000" departLane="inW_0" departPos="0.000" departSpeed="10.000" departDelay="0.000" arrival="99.991" arrivalLane="outE_0" arrivalPos="495.250" arrivalSpeed="10.000" duration="99.991" routeLength="1000.000" waitSteps="0" timeLoss="0.000" rerouteNo="0" devices="tripinfo_v0" vType="A" speedFactor="1.000" vaporized=""/>

I checked the amitran output and the vehicle has a speed of 10.0 and acceleration 0 in every single step of the simulation. So I'm guessing it's not because of a change in speed.

I am running the simulation with step-length = 0.001. Why am I seeing this behavior?

Thanks in advance for your help! I'm new here, so please excuse me if the question is trivial.

Andres Oliva

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