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Re: [sumo-user] is so slow

Hi Jakob,

Thank you for your reply. As the default routing algorithm in is astar, this is the routing which is responsible for finding the best route. 

The total number of edges is 108k.

Using sumo as cmd was a good idea, thanks for this.

So, I used DUAROUTER  and generated the routes for the same set of trips that I fed into oneshot, with this configuration:
        <net-file value=""/>
        <route-files value="Routev1800000in30min_v1trips.rou.xml"/>  -> used DUAROUTER  for this
        <begin value="0"/>
        <route-steps value="200"/>
        <routing-algorithm value="astar"/>
        <device.rerouting.probability value="1"/>
        <device.rerouting.period value="300"/>   FOR ASSIGNING NEW ROUTES TO VEHICLES  
        <device.rerouting.adaptation-interval value="1"/>
        <device.rerouting.with-taz value="False"/>
        <device.rerouting.explicit value=""/>
        <vehroute-output.last-route value="False"/>
        <vehroute-output.exit-times value="False"/>
        <vehroute-output.sorted value="False"/>
        <verbose value="True"/>
        <no-warnings value="True"/>

Generally, this is much faster than one-shot as only after 20-30 min the simulation step is about 7000 ( although I am aware that I am only doing the routing in 5 min intervals and am missing the routing at the departure time as one-shot does these rerouting at these two step (departure and predefined intervals))

~/Desktop/sumofromgit/bin$ sudo sumo -c TestBigdata.sumocfg
Loading configuration... done.
Loading net-file from ''... done (4512ms).
Loading done.
Simulation started with time: 0.00
Step #6986.00 (1186ms ~= 0.84*RT, ~46293.42UPS, vehicles TOT 65099 ACT 54895 B

while after 3 days of running  one-shot, one-shot.log shows step 1036 as the last line of the log:

Step #1035.00 (371223ms ~= 0.00*RT, ~21.80UPS, vehicles TOT 8135 ACT 8094 BUF 
Step #1036.00 (369297ms ~= 0.00*RT, ~22.00UPS, vehicles TOT 8167 ACT 8126 BU

By the way, I was not aware that we can post our questions to stackoverflow, so I post another version of my question there :

In between, which is a better place to ask questions: stackoverflow or here?

Many thanks

On Wednesday, August 29, 2018, 5:45:53 PM GMT+12, Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

How many edges does your network have?
If it's large then the routing might be slowing you down. You can test this by simply starting sumo with a fraction of the trips and option --verbose. You will get some output on the command line that tells you how much time the routing took and how many network edges were check while computing the route.
You can speed up routing by selecting another routing algorithm (
Possibly, the simulation does not continue due to heavy jamming. This is best investigated by looking at the simulation with sumo-gui (see


2018-08-28 20:55 GMT+02:00 mohsen hs <mohsenhs82@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hello there, 

I am running for 140k trips in(uniformly distrusted in the first 30 min of simulation) min and it seems very slow. It is running for two days and vehroutes_300.xml, 300 is -f,  is only 26KB and the log is  45KB and the last line is :
Step #776.00 (357857ms ~= 0.00*RT, ~15.57UPS, vehicles TOT 5584 ACT 5573 BUF 1
Step #777.00 (356625ms ~= 0.00*RT, ~15.95UPS, vehicles TO

and I have not gotten any error in power shell as it is:
PS D:\S3\sumo-win64-0.32.0\sumo- 0.32.0\tools\assign> python -f 300 -n xml -t tri
psmodified_ tripsv1800000in30min_.trips. xml
> Running simulation with update frequency 300
>> Begin time 2018-08-27 12:53:58.461000

Is there any way that I can speed up the process (my cpu and ram are not even 20% utilized) ? or is there any alternative option for me?
As far as I know if I add and run reroute in TraCI, it would be slow too. 

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Many thanks

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