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Re: [sumo-user] jmIgnoreFoeProb, lanechangemodel, overtake, and sigma

1) Yes. The wiki has been corrected. Thanks!
2) Lane changing for speed gain is performed after a vehicle acquires enough "motivation" by being slowed down. The lcSpeedGain parameter controls the motivation threshold value where lane changing occurs (threshold = c / lcSpeedGain). If the value is set very high than even small slowdowns by the lead vehicle will instantly trigger lane changing.
3) No. The speed gain motivation depends on the speed difference so it will keep growing as longs as the slow leader is being followed. However, you could set the speedGain parameter via TraCI depending on the situation to achieve the probability effect. Note, that opposites.guess is unrelated to this.
4) sigma > 0 models driver imperfection via random slow-downs (and by not accelerating as strongly as possible). This is important for jam-stability and introducing randomness into the simulation. It also has some impact on gaps but to calibrate gaps the tau parameter is suited much better. In different calibration studies different values of sigma showed up. 0.5 was selected as a compromise. There is no interaction with the other junction model parameters.


2018-08-21 11:54 GMT+02:00 mohsen hs <mohsenhs82@xxxxxxxxx>:
Dear Sumo users,

I was wondering if you could please help me with the following questions.

 the value for jmIgnoreFoeProb is probability with the range of 0 to 1, right?

jmIgnoreFoeProb float (m/s) 0 This value causes vehicles to ignore foe vehicles that have right-of-way with the given probability. The check is performed anew every simulation step.


for some parameters such as lcSpeedGain the limit in infinity, what does this actually mean? So, if I set this value as 1 for the first vehicle and the other as 100, does this mean the speedgain for the second vehicle is 100 times more than the first one (linear regression)?

Is there any way to set a vehicle to overtake with probability of a given number if the leader is a slow vehicle?  I have seen this --opposites.guess  but not sure if this is the correct option.

Regrading the simga for vehicles, how can I get more information about? I have found the best value for this is 0.4 from, and it seems it only affect on the gap (page 71 of it affect other parameters such as jmIgnoreFoeProb?

Many thanks

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