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[sumo-user] Appropriate values for jmTimegapMinor

Dear Sumo-Users,

I´m still working on the behaviour of the vehicles in my simulation and there is one attribute, that I would like to set, but I´m not quite sure which value would be appropriate. The attribute I´m refering to is the following:

jmTimegapMinor float s 1 This value defines the minimum time gap when passing ahead of a prioritized vehicle. 

In a german guidline it says, that there is many different values for time gaps that a car needs to perform a right turn, left trun or crossing movement ahead of a prioritized vehicle. It also says, that it´s relevent, if the vehicle is first in line (e.g. 6.7 s for a crossing movement of the first vehicle) or if it is just following the vehicle in front (e.g. only 3.3 s for a crossing movement). The table I´m refering to is shown underneath.

Now I would like to know, if there is anyone who has experiences in setting jmTimegapMinor, because as far as I understand, it is representing all of these different values in one attribute. Is that right? And if so, why is the default value set to 1 s?

My first thought would have been to choose a value in the middle so, something around 4.5 s for regular vehicles, because they are performing all of the different movements in my simulation. Another approach, that comes to my mind is choosing the highest value of the given table. But then it really reduces the capacity of my unsignalised nods. 

If anyone as a good idea, how to handle this attribute or knows about other attrbiutes to specify the movements more in detail, I would be very grateful!

Thanks a lot and kind regards,

Florian Preuße

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