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Re: [sumo-user] TraCI step-length

Hi Gunnar,

the simulationStep takes an argument, that will move the simulation to that position. See the wiki:

"If TargetTime is 0 (zero), SUMO performs exactly one time step. Otherwise SUMO performs the simulation until the given time step is reached."

Have you set the step length for SUMO in the sumocfg file like this:

<step-length value="0.001" />

If so, calling simulationStep without an argument should move the simulation 1 ms ahead. 1 ms does seem like a very small step size. On most operating systems, you will probably not be able to view the simulation normally; ie. on Windows the lenght of a processor time slice is about 14 ms.

Regards, Menno

On 15-6-2018 10:56, Diestmann, Gunnar via sumo-user wrote:

I'm using TaCi/C++ to use SUMO in co-simulation with another software.
So far I have a very simple program to get the position of the vehicles in the simulation (the simulation has just two cars). It works perfectly fine.
Now I tried to change the step length for the simulation steps to 1ms. My program is still able to connect to the client. But after that it just stops.
I the SUMO cmd I get the following output:
Step #0.200 <0ms ?*RT. ?UPS, TraCI: 1ms, vehicles TOT 0 ACT 0 BUF =>

Can anybody tell me what that means and/or how I can solve the problem?

I would also like to know if there is supposed to be any difference in the simulation when I change client.simulationStep() to for example client.simulationStep(0.001). Is this also supposed to change the simulation step length?

Thank you


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