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Re: [sumo-user] Try out SUMO-Web3D, a web-based 3D visualization of your SUMO simulation

FYI I've pushed an update to sumo-web3d (version 1.0.1) that fixes a bug which prevented this from running on Windows for some users. If you've tried out sumo-web3d on Windows in the past and run into issues, this would be a good time to give it another go.

  - Dan

On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 4:25 PM Dan Vanderkam <danvk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

My name is Dan and I'm an engineer at Sidewalk Labs. A team of us wanted to learn more about microsimulations with SUMO, and we have some frontend experience, so we built a 3D visualization that runs on top of SUMO. It uses TraCI to pull simulation state into the browser and renders roads, vehicles, people and buildings in 3D.

You can find full setup instructions on GitHub but, if you already have Python 3.6 and SUMO installed, it should be as simple as:

  pip3 install sumo-web3d

  # or: sumo-web3d -c path/to/your/scenario.sumocfg

There are a few screenshots below. You can also check out this video to see it in action:
We've tested this on quite a few scenarios and we hope it works with yours! But if it doesn't, please file an issue. Also feel free to tell us if it works great :)

SUMO-Web3D is licensed under the Eclipse Public License v2.0, same as SUMO. We plan to fix issues that come up with user's scenarios, but the long-term plan is to donate this to the SUMO developers and the Eclipse foundation.

  - Dan

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