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[sumo-user] Any option for installing the /usr/lib/sumo data ?

I was using sumo 0.32 in Arch linux, but it just stopped working after the last system upgrade, because of a change in the, which changed some function calls during its move from to To solve that, I downloaded the git sources and compiled it by myself. It seems that the latest sumo version already solved this change in the libproject libraries, but another colateral effect just emerged (as a byproduct of the shortage on the web site).
After compiling, I installed sumo in my system using

make install

Even though the binaries are there, I got the following message while trying to run sumo:

Warning: Cannot find local schema '/usr/lib/sumo/data/xsd/routes_file.xsd', will try website lookup.
Error: invalid document structure

I noticed that the many files in the data and tools folders were not properly installed in the usual place (/usr/lib/sumo), and because the website is off, sumo was not able to get the xsd file for XML parsing the sumo files. Is there any other target in the Makefile such that I can install not just the sumo binaries, but also the data and tools folders ?
Many thanks in advance,

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