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[sumo-user] Simulation

I'm SUMO user, i have problem in my simulation as follow:

Warning: Teleporting vehicle '14'; collision with vehicle '11',
lane='26251762#1_1', gap=-12.27, time=150.00 stage=move.
Warning: Vehicle '14' ends teleporting on edge '26251557#0', time 150.00.
Warning: Teleporting vehicle '13'; collision with vehicle '10',
lane='26251762#1_0', gap=-0.58, time=160.00 stage=move.
Warning: Vehicle '13' ends teleporting on edge '26251762#2', time 160.00.
Warning: Teleporting vehicle '42'; collision with vehicle '39',
lane='26251762#1_0', gap=-4.07, time=195.00 stage=move.
Warning: Teleporting vehicle '52'; collision with vehicle '47',
lane='26251762#1_1', gap=-10.10, time=195.00 stage=move.
Warning: Vehicle '42' ends teleporting on edge '26251762#2', time 195.00.
Warning: Vehicle '52' ends teleporting on edge '26251762#2', time 195.00.

too many collision in simulation despite i specify the minGap:

<vType id="myType" minGap="5" carFollowModel="IDM"/>

this is the command who i used to generate trips and vehicles:

-n -r map.rou.xml -b 0 -e 60 -p 0.5 --min-distance=2500
--trip-attributes="type=\"myType\" departLane=\"best\" departSpeed=\"max\""
--additional-file type.add.xml

any solution please.

Thank you.
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