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Re: [sumo-user] Problems on buses on simulation and flow definitions for Public transport

there are several issues with your files:
- your vType definition is missing the vehicle class decleration  vClass="bus" so that buses may actually drive on the bus lanes
- your stop definitions must be defined as child elements of the flow:

    <flow type="bus" id="bus_PN2" from="PN_IN" to="PS_OUT" begin="0" period="200" number="16">
        <stop busStop="1" duration="30"/>
        <stop busStop="2" duration="20"/>
        <stop busStop="3" duration="10"/>

- your network contains a roundabout that does not have the correct right-of-way rules. Rebuilt your network like so:
netconvert -s --roundabouts.guess -o

- your scenario has lanes that are to narrow for the vehicles (bus lanes with width 2m but busses have a width of 2.5m). Due to a bug this causes collision events ( Either fix the lane widths or upgrade to the latest development version of sumo where this bug is fixed.


2018-04-03 7:08 GMT+02:00 Manoel J. <manoelbarrosoneto@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

I've been having difficulty on defining buses routes for predetermined journeys. I tried using the spelling present in the "bus.rou" file for that but it still doesn't work. 

I already have my additional file including all the buses stops required for the simulation and it's loading normally. 

Another doubt: everywhere I searched, the buses are included in the simulation in a .rou file (apart from the the other vehicles). But I couldn't find one that demands only the "to" and "from" parameters using "flows",  the routes are given edge by edge.
What is the best way to define a flow of buses, instead of programming one by one? Is the way I'm doing proper?
I'll send you my files in attachment, maybe you can see what I'm doing wrong..
I'm using  SUMO 0.32.0 version.

Thanks Jakob!

Manoel Joaquim Rodrigues Barroso Neto

Bacharelando em Engenharia Civil

Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

(+55) 21-97255-8366
(+55) 32-98418-7950

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