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Re: [sumo-user] comma vs spaces in the config files

Lara , Jakob,
good that it has been made on purpose because my M$crosoft-oriented students love to put spaces in filenames. This is OK as long as I can delimit with ("). But things became really crazy with a list of filenames which is inserted in a XML document...
also delimiting with (")!

So I welcome the comma separations, thanks for hinting!

On 16/03/18 11:26, Lara CODECA wrote:
Dear All,

I always used white spaces between files in the configs.
For example
<additional-files value="../scenario/in/add/most.busstops.add.xml

In sumo --version
SUMO Version v0_32_0+0727-dfca94fd67
  Build features: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu PROJ GDAL GUI Python OSG ffmpeg

it doesn not work anymore and I must use the commas.
Was it on purpose? If so, ignore this :)
If it's a bug, I did my job.


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