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Re: [sumo-user] Problem while importing shape file and creating TAZ

the tool edgesInDistricts ( can be used to generated the TAZ files automatically from polygons.
The polygons must be in the xml format generated by Polyconvert and describe the outline of the TAZ.

2017-11-27 0:11 GMT+01:00 Vrinda Khirwadkar (vkhrwdkr) <vkhrwdkr@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

Hello All,

I am a new user of this tool and found very useful in my current graduate research. 

I am trying to build below scenario but not able to proceed ahead. I am using Sumo 0.31.0 version. 

  1. Import real world shape files (Geometry type: Polygon) with 6 distinct zones.
  2. Import corresponding OD Matrices to generate traffic demand using od2trips.exe.

First problem here is that when I try to use these shape files, I cannot find any reference to street id, from id (name of the node the edge starts at) and to id (name of the node the edge ends at) which are required when using netconvert command with shape files ( Can you please guide how to generate a network with given shape files?

Second problem is that for using od2trips.exe, we need to provide TAZ.XML file with taz_id and corresponding edge id in each zones. Right now I tried to create this input XML file manually and able to generate trips. However, this is not possible to generate this file manually if network is large. Is there any existing tool/script to generate TAZ XML from given shape file (geometry type: Polygon).

Do let me know if you need to view shape files.

Please guide.

Thanks in advance.

Vrinda Khirwadkar

University of Memphis

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