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Re: [sumo-dev] Do cars "see" pedestrians?

cars can "see" pedestrians when:
a) the pedestrians are on a pedestrian crossing that intersects the route of the vehicle (see test cases at
b) the pedestrians are walking on the road lane where the vehicles drive (see test cases at
Possibly, the way in which you move the pedestrian detaches it from the road network.


Am Do., 9. Jan. 2020 um 12:03 Uhr schrieb up201403060 <up201403060@xxxxxxxx>:
Good morning,

I made a prototype to simulate jaywalking in SUMO. So far I am using
TraCI to create a pedestrian which can be moved around using the arrow
keys. The problem is that when it crosses the road, cars just go through
him. Is there a way to make cars react to my remote controlled
pedestrian and slow down/detect a collision?

Thank you for your help,
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