I think I understand your uses cases better now and I can offer a suggestion for implementing this in SUMO.
There are three layers to this:
1) representation of signs / road side objects
2) modification of vehicle behavior
3) tracking of rule compliance
For 1) I think using POIs which are defined relative to a lane are the simplest solution (using attributes lane, pos, posLat). POIs already support the type attribute which can be set to an arbitrary string. Furthermore, POIs support assignment of additional user parameters (
If TraCI is used for 2) and 3), It would be helpful (and fairly simple) to add some traci function to retrieve POIs that are defined relative to a given lane.
For 3) This is similar to 2) When using a device It's probably simpler to track compliance within the same device that also affects behavior. Aggregation of compliance data could be done in post processing. Adding custom detectors that track compliance would require a thorough understanding of the simulation architecture