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[stem-dev] Notes from today's STEM community call

STEM Community Call January 26, 2012

On call: Jamie, Matthias, Stefan, Chris, Matt, Kun, Werner, Judy



Target date for 1.3 is now 2/7/2012. The date was shifted to meet requirements of the Eclipse Foundation and the IP Log Process 
> RC2 is up. Please test the latest Release Candidate. Judy to post on newsgroup   
*Release Review will be 2/1/2012  
*Presentation slides for 1.3 review are available in Eclipse CVS. Jamie will email to, but changes must be made in CVS 
> Planned new and improved features confirmed during call

*Bug Fixes from 1.2.2

*Ten years of Earth Science Data (2000-2010)

*Malaria Disease Model (Anopheles calibrated)

*Dengue Fever Disease Model (Aedes not yet calibrated)

*New Differential Equation solver(s) from commons.math library

*Additional NLS + User ability to switch languages

*Logger Framework with new loggers

*“Population Transformer” - enabling transformation of population members to allow modeling of e.g. food mediated disease transmission

 *Improvements to the graphical editor


Tentative Date 4/15/2012

> Discussion of 1.3.1 plan, possible release deliverables discussed during call

> Tentative Features

*Bug Fixes to 1.3.0

*Scenario "compile" proof of concept

*STEM EMF update to version 2.7.2

*Shape File Importer: Improvements to GUI

*Population Transformer: “realistic” sample model on food mediated disease transmission

*Pajek-file Importer: Enable integration between user graphs and existing STEM graphs

*Graph Editor: improved zooming, deleting nodes and edges, improved GUI for new population generation

*Ability to Delete Items Graph in Designer Perspective

*STEM -integration inside KNIME: creating a Node within the KNIME, Node-repository that allows STEM headless execution

                TO DO: Matthias’ team will create wiki page on this. 

OTHER FUTURE FEATURES discussed during call

*Running distributed STEM

*Parameter sensitivity analysis

*mcmc optimizer

*New feature to hide complexity of creating new plugins (for Disease and Population models).

*Pajek-file Importer: enable import of discrete transportation events.

2. NEW DOC FOR 1.3
* Major Reorg to Wiki, please check it out. Please make sure your new doc is appropriately linked
* Dengue (done)
* Initializers (done)
* Loggers (done)
* Malaria (done)
* Mosquitos VCAP (done)
* Solvers (done)
* Improved graph editor (Chris: Will finish next week, noting any areas lacking)
        >Save-As can't enter filename on Mac; this appears to be a Mac problem only; Jamie et al. to fix bug

Jamie will send Chris Almaden example; Chris is uploading his   

Eclipse has rejected OpenMap (some code not ok). To address, Matt will create a downselected jarfile that will be attached to CQ, get scanned, will extract out what we are not using. This is a 1.3.1 issue

Jamie: Still some concerns about the Norway map, though small; underscores need for better maps for Europe; perhaps can visit European Agency with Matthias and give them a presentation on STEM.
Matthias notes still some difficulty creating complex migration edges; Jamie will add to future feature list for 1.4; not a 1.3.1 issue


Bug 1 #369161. Built-in library stuff, STEM library non-editable. Not serious. Priority 3

Bug 2, Chris. Multi-population, labels in wrong place. Serious. Chris will fix this week

Bug 3 #369162. Run parameters, how to log (all in one file?), decorators should provide; created when running experiment; will address in future w/ mcmc optimizer Future issue


*Matthias: Will propose new name for “Food Transformer” to make it more general, also clear to users

*Chris: Asked Matt to new link on wiki to ease access for him

*Kun: Will be attending conference

                Jamie: Send note to, will post on STEM web page

*Werner: Will send notice on newsgroup re meetings, including BIL (March, California), Head (Germany)


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