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[statet-users] Content Help to R functions/methods

Dear Statet-Users,
I recently updated to the new StatET version 4.0.1 on windows (from version 3.4 or something like this).
In the old StatEt version I got full R html help when I move my cursor over a function (a yellow box opens with the function description of the R-help inside).
In the new version still a yellow box opens but not containing the R html help, it contains something like below. This holds for normal R function und for S4 methods. I haven't found a clue in the help and in the old archives.
Can anyone help me how I can fix this?

read.gmd(file, selDatenart, selStationskennung, selNamePart, selDatenart2, NAvals, negativeValsNA, tz, all, quiet) 

function (file, selDatenart = NULL, selStationskennung = NULL, selNamePart = NULL, selDatenart2 = NULL, NAvals = -1, negativeValsNA = FALSE, tz = "UTC", all = FALSE, quiet = FALSE)  
 - attr(*, "srcref")= 'srcref' int [1:8] 174 13 462 1 13 1 15995 16283
  ..- attr(*, "srcfile")=Classes 'srcfilealias', 'srcfile' <environment: 0x000000001a83d658>

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