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  • RE: [smila-dev] Message Resequencer :: change to Agent Interface, (continued)
  • AW: [smila-dev] Use-Cases for Aperture subsets, Daniel.Stucky
  • [smila-dev] eclipse DemoCamp in Kaiserslautern, Ralph.Traphoener
  • [smila-dev] Upcoming SMILA Tutorial, Ralph.Traphoener
  • [smila-dev] Use-Cases for Aperture subsets, Antoni Mylka
  • [smila-dev] CrawlerController - ConnectivityManager interaction, Daniel.Stucky
  • [smila-dev] Update of bundle structure for Queue Workers, Daniel.Stucky
  • [smila-dev] Welcome Andreas Weber as a new rt.smila Committer, portal on behalf of Igor Novakovic
  • [smila-dev] JPA und SQL Server, Thomas Menzel
  • [smila-dev] 0.5 M3, Igor.Novakovic
  • [smila-dev] Committer vote for Andreas Weber has concluded successfully, portal on behalf of Igor Novakovic
  • [smila-dev] +1 for Andreas Weber on rt.smila, portal on behalf of Juergen Schumacher
  • [smila-dev] Vote for Committer status for Andreas Weber has started, portal on behalf of Igor Novakovic
  • [smila-dev] New XMLSplitterPipelet and flexible JMS message properties, Daniel.Stucky
  • [smila-dev] New JobFile Agent, Daniel.Stucky
  • [smila-dev] Migration to Galileo and related stuff, Juergen.Schumacher
  • [smila-dev] BinaryStorage JPA Implementation, Daniel.Stucky
  • [smila-dev] Discussion about Processing Performance, Daniel.Stucky
  • [smila-dev] bin storage bug fixed, Thomas Menzel
  • [smila-dev] Configurable Lucene Index Flush, Daniel.Stucky
  • [smila-dev] JMX client in Equinox console, Juergen.Schumacher
  • [smila-dev] Configurable DeltaIndexing, Daniel.Stucky
  • [smila-dev] Binary Storage refactoring, Juergen.Schumacher

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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