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Re: [sdv-wg] Meeting Notes "SDV Contribution Day Participation Process Session"

Hi Hamlet,

thanks for these very comprehensive notes from our meeting yesterday.

Please find a couple of comments below

  • Focus of projects should be SDV Edge. Could be QM and/or Safety Domain

I wouldn't state that the focus is on SDV.Edge. SDV.Ops and SDV.Dev are equally important and we are happy to welcome project proposals from this areas as well.

  • June 6th - Project Proposal Deadline - "Public review started"
    • Proposal should include source code

I would slightly rephrase this to: "Proposal should be based on source code already under development". Based on the "Code first" approach we would love to see real Source Code contributions on short notice since these codes would be the basis for the planned Hackathons in Q4. However contributing the source code can happen after the project proposal is started. 

Best regards


On Fri, May 13, 2022 at 1:19 PM Hamlet D'Arcy (HE/HIM) <Hamlet.DArcy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Meeting Notes below. Would be great to get the slides so we have access to the links.





Welcome & Introduction

  • Toyota recently joined working group, taking us to 70 members


Concept & Timeline

  • Avoid the "classical" approach and instead embrace an agile, code-first approach
  • Workshop provides place to exchange project proposals
  • Focus of projects should be SDV Edge. Could be QM and/or Safety Domain
  • Want to also focus on developer journey and developer experience
  • Avoid re-inventing the wheel
  • Contribution Day 1 is 30th June. Day 2 is September 2022. EclipseCon is in October
  • June 6th - Project Proposal Deadline - "Public review started"
    • Proposal should include source code
    • Every project is accepted, but there might not be room for all to present during this day. We will deal with this somehow if it happens.
  • June 20th - Event Registration
  • June 22nd - PR support quote deadline
  • June 30th - Contribution Day
    • Seating limited, but there will be online options
    • Project proposals are from the stage. You have 30 minutes including a Q&A
    • Day will include open discussion of how to join projects, how to move them forward
    • Audience is based on registrations. Preferably seats go to people active in the community. The mission is to bring code, so we should try to find a way to show technical details.


Project & Groups Relationships

  • Working groups - focus, promote, and augment Eclipse technologies
  • Projects - group of committers
  • Working groups complement projects, but they do not own projects
  • Contributors send pull requests to the project. New committers are elected out of the most active contributors
  • The starting organization appoints an initial set of committers
  • Specification projects have a 1:1 relationship to the working group


Onboarding Process

  • Projects go from Pre-Proposal (private) -> (public) Proposal -> Incubation -> Mature
  • Project can be multiple repos but is one team working towards common goal
  • Pre-Proposal - Eclipse's opportunity to help us define scope and help us prepare for public review. Eventually, Executive Director agrees to post project
  • Proposal - Allows community to make comments. Proposals can and should change during this phase. The phase ends when there is a creation review. Phase lasts ~3 weeks.
  • Incubation - Teams make project operate "as an Eclipse project" with high engineering quality and project automation. Phase ends with a Graduation Review. Phase lasts ~3 to ~6 months
  • Mature - Project is running as a full project.
  • Proposal template and info:
  • Proposal contains names, background, description, stakeholders, licenses/legal, etc
  • There is a process to track the proposals. See slides for link.
  • More links to resources in slides, or:


Tl;dr: make a proposal, then raise an issue with the EMO team to help you further


Logos, Trademarks, Websites

  • Logos and websites are not requires
  • Projects are responsible for their own logo and branding
  • All projects will have some sort of presence on
  • Suggestion: contract with a design agency for logo work. There are reimbursements up to €500
  • Any questions on creating a repo or setting up a website go to:
  • See recording/slides for more best practices on logos and website



  • Use the webform to submit your proposal, the team will help with the rest




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