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Re: [sdv-wg] Invitation to Join the SDV Working Group’s Inaugural Steering Committee Meeting - March 3, 2022

Dear SDV Community,

It’s my pleasure to announce that the majority of interested organizations have been able to finalize the paperwork by Monday Feb 28th. Among them 3 strategic members (ETAS, Microsoft and ZF), 5 contributing members (Accenture, Capgemini, Continental, Digital Mobile Innovations and  Red Hat) and 3 supporting members (AVL, Karakun and Reycom AG). We are also aware that a couple of organizations are still working hard on getting the paper-work done in the next few days so we hope that others will make the Thursday deadline . So the community will continue to grow in the next days and weeks.

As announced in my previous email, we will invite all subscribed SDV members to the planned steering committee meeting tomorrow. The strategic members will have voting rights, while we are happy to have the participant and supporting members as observers in this very first steering committee meeting.

We at the Eclipse Foundation are extremely pleased to bring this WG to life and to see such a huge interest in this initiative. One of the next steps after formally establishing the working group will be to onboard the various already communicated open source projects to fill the idea of “Code first” with meaningful content.

Thank you all for your strong support in the recent weeks especially also to the now official members of the working group. We are aware that the deadlines were tight and that you spent significant effort in your organizations to drive this forward.  

Best regards

Michael Plagge

Director Ecosystem Development | Eclipse Foundation Europe GmbH

M: +49 (0) 172 8688 326 | LinkedIn

Berliner Allee 47, 64295 Darmstadt - Germany

Handelsregister: Darmstadt HRB 92821

Managing Directors: Gaël Blondelle, Mike Milinkovich

On Wed, Feb 23, 2022 at 9:39 PM Michael Plagge <michael.plagge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi SDV-Community

@Sharon: thanks for providing these information

@all I just sent a blocker invite for the initial SC meeting next week. Please be aware that the only purpose of this invite is to add the timeslot to the calendars of the potential participants.
This blocker will not be updated.

As described in the mail by Sharon we will send another invite, which includes the agenda and Zoom link to the nominated representatives of the organisations, which have executed the WGPA on time. 

Any questions please let me know.

Looking forward to meet you next week

On Wed, Feb 23, 2022 at 9:24 PM Sharon Corbett <sharon.corbett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear Community:

It is with great pleasure that we announce the SDV Working Group has successfully passed its 14 Day Community Review period (completed February 16, 2022) as per the Eclipse Foundation Working Group Process.  As a result of passing this milestone and with the Eclipse Foundation's Executive’s Director approval, we are now able to formally create the SDV Working Group!

The next step is to stand up the Steering Committee. By way of this email we invite all members of the working group to the Initial Steering Committee Meeting on March 3, 2022, at 5 pm CET.  In this first Steering Committee meeting, the appointed representatives of the Strategic Members will constitute the Steering Committee; however, all members of the working group (i.e., those organizations that have completed executing the SDV Participation Agreement) are encouraged to attend as observers until such a time when elected seats can be filled as per the Charter.  

A formal agenda and zoom link will follow, but a primary focus of the meeting will be to explain the role of the Steering Committee and the overall working group governance structure. The Steering Committee members will also be asked to formally approve the Charter.

For members already enrolled, you will need to confirm who your representative will be for the meeting in order to ensure they are included on the invitation.  If your organization is not yet a member but would like to join the first Steering Committee call, you must first hold membership with the Eclipse Foundation and have executed the SDV Working Group Participation Agreement no later than March 1, 2022.  Our online Membership Portal is where you can get started quickly with the application and enrollment process.  Please note the cutoff date to be part of the meeting is March 2, 2022.  We look forward to hosting all members of the working group at this initial meeting.

Also, as a reminder, we intend to put out a press release on March 3, 2022, that will include quotes of the founding members in the working group.  The cut off date to complete your Participation Agreement and to be included in this release is no later than February 28, 2022.  

If there are any questions concerning enrollment and/or press release, please feel free to reach out to Michael Plagge directly (in cc). Michael should also be contacted regarding the required representative information.

Best Regards,

Sharon Corbett
Program Director, Working Group Operations
Eclipse Foundation
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