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Re: [science-iwg] Logo contest started

Thank you very much for the feedback Baha.

FYI everyone, there are 247+ designs now. That's quite a few. There are some really good designs. Please help by letting me know which ones are your favourites. I'll rank those so they stand out in the UI.

In 24 hours, we'll select the artists we want to compete in the final round. i.e. the artists for the designs we like the most. After they refine their designs based on our feedback, we'll attempt to decide a winner.

To decide a winner, what I'll likely do is create a Google spreadsheet and open it up so that each of you can rank your favourites 1, 2, 3... if all goes well, we'll spot a clear winner by a dramatically lower total of all rankings for that logo.

Also, hopefully across the many eyes of our group, we can spot any logos that are too similar to other existing ones out there so we can avoid them.

Thanks again for your help!


On 06/03/14 08:51, baha.el-kassaby@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Hello Andrew,

The ones I like are, in order:











From: Andrew Ross [mailto:andrew.ross@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 06 March 2014 13:33
To: science-iwg@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [science-iwg] Logo contest started


Baha, Matt

If you would, please simply list the numbers you like. I'll rate them well and provide the artist positive feedback.

Philip, thanks for the list... FWIW, I'm with you on those. I like them too.


On 06/03/14 06:28, baha.el-kassaby@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Hi Andrew,

After having signed up, I still can’t vote nor select a logo I like (no like button can be seen on the logo).





From: Matt.Gerring@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:Matt.Gerring@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 06 March 2014 11:11
To: science-iwg@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [science-iwg] Logo contest started


How do we vote? I just pressed the like key now and then.


From: Philip Wenig [mailto:philip.wenig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 06 March 2014 06:30
To: science-iwg@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [science-iwg] Logo contest started


Hi Andrew,

here are my favourites:



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