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RE: [riena-dev] Shared view between subapplications?

Thanks again Christian,

That certainly does clarify the notion of the navigation tree. I also just noticed the 'Navigation Concepts' on the Riena Project page, so I'm going through that to get a better handle on the myriad of possibilities that riena presents ;)

Are there other sources of documentation that I might not be aware of? Might be of particular usefulness for some of the more complex concepts.


-----Original Message-----
From: riena-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of Christian Campo
Sent: Wed 4/29/2009 7:38 AM
To: Riena Developers list
Subject: Re: [riena-dev] Shared view between subapplications?
Hi Todd,

you can do many things :-)

- use the same view class in multiple assemblies but that is really a  
no-brainer :-)
- create instances of the same assembly in multiple part of your  

so an assembly is really something like a template a part of a  
navigation tree that is predefined and only when you create a  
navigation node, you can either use as parentType Id the one specified  
in the assembly or in some (or all) cases define depending on your  
code a different own.
How is that done.

Creating a new navigationId (and therefore a part of the tree  
structure) is either done by getNavigationNode().create(new  
NavigationNodeId("something"), new NavigationArgument(.....)), or by  
using the navigate method with the same argument. create just creates  
it, navigate also jumps there (activates it). The NavigationArgument  
is optional and can contain a parameter (any object that the target  
view controller can make sense of) and the parentTypeId (again  

if the NavigationArgument has a parentTypeId the new nodeid (using the  
assembly definition from the extension) is created and added where  
parentTypeId defines it.

So at runtime you will get this large DOM-like tree where you have  
application at top and below your subapplications, modulegroups,  
modules and submodules. The assemblys can be used like LEGO stone to  
add predefined subtrees anywhere into this large application model.  
The parentTypeId in the extension is the default but can be  
overwritten at runtime.

Makes sense ? if not let me know


Am 29.04.2009 um 16:28 schrieb Todd Lee:

> Hi there,
> Just wondering if it's possible to share a single view (ViewPart  
> extension) between two sub applications? My case has two  
> subApplications (basic and advanced) that presents the users with  
> different levels of detail in the perspective. I'd like to create  
> module groups in each sub application, and use some UIFilters to  
> hide navigation nodes in the basic view. I'm still trying to wrap my  
> head around some of the navigation paradigms in Riena, so I don't  
> know if this is really a recommended method.
> Is what I'm talking about possible? Can I use a single view, and if  
> I can, do I need multiple assemblies? Thanks as always for any  
> pointers here.
> Cheers,
> Todd
> <ATT00001.c>


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