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[riena-dev] Target Milestone reminder / DecimalTextRidget questions / Export question

Hi Rienaers,

a couple of comments and questions:

1. Quick reminder: please remember to set the Target Milestone to '1.1.0.M7' if you resolve bugs in bugzilla. This allows us to create a list of fixed issues for the next new and noteworthy .

Two things about DecimalTextRidget; maybe you can provide some guidance how this was handled in the predecessor of Riena:

2. What should happen when the precision is less than the digits after comma on setText / updateFromModel ?

r.updateFromModel(); // 3,1415 
results in?

If we allow this into the control, then the next question is how does the text control behave, because we don't allow intermediate illegal values, such as 3,141

3. What should happen when mandatory is 'on' on the DecimalTextRidget? Was that something that was possible in the past? Right now it the Decimal Ridget not support an empty value, so 0 / 0,(0...0) is considered empty. Do we want to allow an empty (',') value?

4. I noticed that some re-exports have sneaked into the following bundles. In my opinion we should limit re-exports to *client* / *server* / org.eclipse.riena.core. See suggestions below.

15: com.caucho.hessian;bundle-version="3.1.3";visibility:=reexport,
// can be removed without compile rrors

21: org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.compositetable;bundle-version="1.0.0";visibility:=reexport  
// should be re-exported by org.eclipse.riena.client and org.eclipse.riena.client.ridgets instead

8: org.eclipse.equinox.log;bundle-version="1.1.0";visibility:=reexport,  
// can be removed without compile errors

Greetings from Portland,

Elias Volanakis | Technical Lead | EclipseSource Portland
elias@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | +1 503 929 5537 |

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