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Re: [riena-dev] SWT Ridget implementations becoming API ?

Hi Elias,

I intend to start a wiki page which of the current "all provisional API" will move to stable API (most I believe) and which are the exceptions that we will keep provisional after 1.1.

And even if it becomes API just the rules changes when and how you can change it. It does not mean it has to stay that way until the end of time :-).


p.s. Even though Scott is right, I believe it would be a good move to move classes that we consider API from "internal" packagenames to packagenames that dont have the word internal in them (no matter how the x-internal flag is set). Just the limit the confusion to a minimum.

Am 01.04.2009 um 10:16 schrieb Elias Volanakis:

Hi committers,

I've noticed that some parts of the Ridget implementations (AbstractActionRidget, etc.) have been moved to org.eclipse.riena.ui.ridgets.swt. I know that some of you are working on custom ridgets using this stuff.

One concern I have is that we may restrict ourselves too much in the future, by promoting these implementations to API status too early.

Let me know your thoughts on this...

Kind regards,

PS: A middle ground would to promote these classes to "provisional" api status. The drawback is that is adds an additional refactoring step of making the official API (package move). However it is understood by consumers that provisional APIs may change.

Elias Volanakis | Technical Lead | EclipseSource Portland
elias@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | +1 503 929 5537 |


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