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Re: [riena-dev] Sourcecodeplugins from riena 1.0.0

Hi Elias,

i have removed the setRedraw() calls and the editor works right now.

I am not so familiar with drawing events of swt right now. I think, it was not the best to use repaintEvents to change the color of child controls. I will refactor redview after the eclipseCon and handle the parentColorSupport without a paintevent. Meanwhile i am using the patched riena plugin for presentation.

Why are you using the setRedraw(...) method in ChoiceComposite. I guess you do not want that the composite becomes redrawn during the change of a property. But what is the deeper cause of it? PaintEvents are a very interesting issue.

Thanks in advance,

2009/3/17 Florian Pirchner <florian.pirchner@xxxxxxxxx>
Hi Elias,



2009/3/17 Elias Volanakis <elias@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Florian,

> Has anybody an idea, how to get the sourcePlugins?

that's easy - I'm assuming you 've the 1.0.0. target.

1. Open the Plug-ins View
2. Select org.eclipse.riena.ui.swt (1.x.x)
3. Right-click, Import As > Source Project

This should work for all riena plug-ins, since the source is part of the target.

Hope this helps,

2009/3/17 Florian Pirchner <florian.pirchner@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi,
> i have a problem with redrawEvents in OSX. To test some cases i would
> require the sourcePlugins for riena 1.0.0. In CVS only the riena folder in
> head is filled.
> My problem is, that the ChoiceComposite calls setRedraw(false) at the
> begining and setRedraw(true) at the end of some methods. We have implemented
> a parentColorSupport in redview. This means, that a changed color of a
> parent can affect all children colors. This becomes controlled by a
> property. We implemented this function by redrawEvents. If the parent
> becomes redrawn, we change the color of the child.
> Last week if found a error in redview which had its root at a wrong redraw()
> call in a redview class. All ridgets are all right now. Only the
> SingleChoiceRidget causes the EclipseEditor to do strange things.
> I would like to remove the setRedraw(xxx) in the ChoiceComposite for a test.
> I can not use the SwtControlRidgetMapper because we are using Riena 1.0.0
> Has anybody an idea, how to get the sourcePlugins?
> Thanks, Flo
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