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[rest-dev] Moving forward from Jakarta Rest 4.0 (vote/opinions wanted)

First a big thanks to everyone who helped to get Jakarta Rest 4.0 out for EE11!!

Now that most everything is done it is time to move on.   Here is a tentative plan for our branches.  Do others agree or have other suggestions?

Current Branches:
  • main (currently used for 4.0 release, with no updates since)
  • 4.0.0 (This branch was apparently automatically created by eclipse when the release went to ballot?  I assume it is to be used as a service branch for 4.0? )
  • release-4.0 (Was the original branch used when the plan was to remove @Context injection and is now obsolete)
  • 4.0.0-M1 (an attempt made by me back in December  and never delivered or made official)
  • 4.0.0-M2 (another attempt by me and never delivered or made official)
  • release-5.0 (working branch containing the start of work to deprecate @Context and other items for Jakarta Rest 5.0)

Option for moving forward:
  • main (to be used for forward development)
  • 4.0.0 (This is presumably the service release branch)
  • 4.0.0-M1 (remove)
  • 4.0.0-M2 (remove)
  • release-4.0 (Rename to “release-4.0-relic”:  Likely none of the content in this branch is useful at this point, but probably good to retain for a while in case)
  • release-5.0 (move relevant changes to main branch and remove, avoiding dual maintenance with main)

Other suggestions?   

In my mind the only reason to keep working on the release-5.0 branch would be if there is still uncertainty concerning deprecating @Context injection vs removal for Jakarta Rest 5.0 and we need to prototype this separately first.   Thoughts?

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