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[reddeer-dev] RedDeer 3.4.0 released under Eclipse 2021-06

Hello there,

Let me announce the RedDeer 3.4.0 release which is part of Eclipse SimRel 2021-06.

Latest release update site is available here [0].

RedDeer is an Eclipse java-based testing framework. We keep releasing under Eclipse Foundation, Packages are part of SimRel 2021-06. We have added implementation for input dialog, took care of changes in UI so we are compatible with the newest eclipse. Full list of issues is linked below.

Update sites for 3.4.0 release are available here [1] while download pages can be found here [2].
List of fixed issues in release [3].
Product pages: [4].
Wiki pages on github: [5].

Thanks to all contributors!


Ondrej Dockal,
RedDeer Project lead

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