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[reddeer-dev] RedDeer 3.1.0 released under Eclipse 2020-09

Hello there,

Let me announce the RedDeer 3.1.0 release which is part of Eclipse SimRel 2020-09.

Latest release update site is available here [0].

RedDeer is an Eclipse java-based testing framework. We keep releasing under Eclipse Foundation, Packages are part of SimRel 2020-09. This release is now Java 11 based, which is now Eclipse default and minimal jvm to run with requirement. Adjustments around this were made and tests fixed/adjusted. See below.

Update sites for 3.0.0 release are available here [1] while download pages can be found here [2].
List of fixed issues in release [3].
Product pages: [4].
Wiki pages on github: [5].

Thanks to all contributors!


Ondrej Dockal,
RedDeer Project lead

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