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Re: [rap-dev] License conversion from GPL to EPL?

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 2:02 PM, Austin Riddle <austin.riddle@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> This may be a moot point, but can the same piece of software have 2
> incompatible licenses? If the inqle visualizations were released previously
> as GPL and the owner of the copyright changes the license to EPL (which I
> assume is as easy as just changing the code and docs), where does that leave
> the previous users of the software that started using it under GPL?
> Can the original still exist in parallel to the EPL version? How does that
> impact Eclipse?

In short, you can have two licenses and choose which one you want to use.

This wouldn't be a problem with inqle visualizations if copyright is
given up and the license is changed in a new version or dual licensed.

Is there a CQ open for inqle visualizations?


Chris Aniszczyk | EclipseSource Austin | +1 860 839 2465 |

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