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[ptp-user] Fwd: Debugging MPICH2 Jobs

Hi all,
Is somebody using PTP to debug mpich2 jobs? I have got a problem when debug the "Hello World" program at MPICH2 enviroment.
It is correctly build and run. But it cannot be debugged.

OS: CentOS 6.4 x86_64 (@VirtualBox)
MPICH2: 1.4rc2
eclipse: eclipse-parallel-juno-SR2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz (PTP:6.0.4)

Problem Occurred "Configuration is missing run commands for job submission 0ee3da22-8b4f-4c5d-8fd6-4eed457b6685 debug"
The reason was the return value of function "controlData.getSubmitInteractiveDebug()" is null(file:org.eclipse.ptp.rm.jaxb.control.core/src/eclipse/ptp/rm/jaxb/control/; Line:348);
It was commented out at file "mpich2-generic-interactive.xml".
<!-- submit-interactive-debug name="submit-interactive-debug" directory="${ptp_rm:executableDirectory#value}" waitForId="true" keepOpen="true">

I removed the commemts. It popuped another error.
"Error completing debug job launch
Time out for this request."

What is the problem? Is somebody can help me?

Thanks very much!

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