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Re: [ptp-user] Loading Modules and PTP


Are you launching Eclipse from the head node of your cluster, or are you
using PTP's remote capabilities to contact the machine?  Also, are you
using a makefile build or a managed build.  We are working on a strategy
to make PTP work well with modules, this work is in a very preliminary
stage at the moment - and your question is an excellent question to ask
for sure!


-----Original Message-----
From: ptp-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ptp-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Timothy Stitt
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 3:46 PM
To: ptp-user@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ptp-user] Loading Modules and PTP

Dear PTP users,

I have a question about clusters that use modules to change the user's
environments and whether this is integrated with eclipse/PTP. For
instance, I recently installed eclipse for the first time on our cluster
and installed the PTP components. I tried to compile my first parallel
project within PTP but I noticed through compile errors that I hadn't
loaded my MPICH2 module environment (that automatically sets up MPI paths,
wrappers etc.). A quick 'module load' later, I tried to recompile and
again I experienced the 'mpicc not found' problem. On the command line,
everything worked fine. I then restarted eclipse/PTP and everything
compiled without a problem.

My question is, can module/environment changes be picked up within a PTP
session without having to restart eclipse?

Apologies, if this has been answered before ad nauseam. Thanks in advance.


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