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Re: [ptp-dev] Problem saving attribute values with JAXB custom widgets

The only thing I can think of is trying to see which widget (most likely the custom widget) is saving the null value and where it is happening. There might still be some additional logic required in the refreshValueFromMap. If you look at the initialize(rmMap, lcMap) method that gets called by the parent AbstractUpdateModel, it expects "mapValue" to be non null. I don't see mapValue inside your update model's method so maybe it sees the null and then calls restoreDefault() / refreshValueFromMap. That might be why you are getting two refresh map calls.


On 03/05/2013 02:19 PM, Dave Wootton wrote:
You are correct. I have a text widget and then a custom widget which is rendered in the run configuration dialog as a push button. The first way I can use this is to type the name of the job queue in the text box and not touch the push button at all. In this case the code should pick up the value entered in the text box and the custom widget should do nothing.

The second way to use this is to click the button. This results in running a query command on the remote system and populating a pop-up dialog with a table widget with the response from the query. If the user clicks the OK button in that dialog then I save the value the user picked and that is the value that is supposed to be returned.

I made the changes you suggested and am still having problems with restoring the attribute value in the case where I don't click the push button and where I should just picking up the intermediate value saved in the model.

I put some print statements in my getValueFromControl() and refreshValueFromMap() methids to try to see what is going on.

I started by creating a new run configuration and then selecting my target system configuration and connection. The run configuration dialog resources tab populated with blank values as I expected. I typed the word 'night' into the text box and clicked run. I did not click my list push button.

The trace of the two methods to this point was as follows, where I just care about the LSF_QUEUE attribute. LSF_APP_PROFILE and LSF_RESERVATION should work similarly but I'm not typing anything in those fields:

In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_QUEUE for control QueueQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_QUEUE in refreshValueFromMap is null
Control QueueQueryControl {} is not selected
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_QUEUE for control QueueQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_QUEUE in refreshValueFromMap is null
Control QueueQueryControl {} is not selected
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_APP_PROFILE for control ApplicationQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_APP_PROFILE in refreshValueFromMap is null
Control ApplicationQueryControl {} is not selected
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_APP_PROFILE for control ApplicationQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_APP_PROFILE in refreshValueFromMap is null
Control ApplicationQueryControl {} is not selected
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_RESERVATION_ID for control ReservationQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_RESERVATION_ID in refreshValueFromMap is null
Control ReservationQueryControl {} is not selected
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_RESERVATION_ID for control ReservationQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_RESERVATION_ID in refreshValueFromMap is null
Control ReservationQueryControl {} is not selected
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_RESERVATION_ID for control ReservationQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_RESERVATION_ID in refreshValueFromMap is null
Control ReservationQueryControl {} is not selected
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_QUEUE for control QueueQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_QUEUE in refreshValueFromMap is null
Control QueueQueryControl {} is not selected
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_APP_PROFILE for control ApplicationQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_APP_PROFILE in refreshValueFromMap is null
Control ApplicationQueryControl {} is not selected
In getValueFromControl for QueueQueryControl {}
Default value for widget QueueQueryControl {} is ''
In getValueFromControl for ApplicationQueryControl {}
Default value for widget ApplicationQueryControl {} is ''
In getValueFromControl for QueueQueryControl {}
Default value for widget QueueQueryControl {} is ''
In getValueFromControl for ApplicationQueryControl {}
Default value for widget ApplicationQueryControl {} is ''
In getValueFromControl for ReservationQueryControl {}
Default value for widget ReservationQueryControl {} is ''
In getValueFromControl for QueueQueryControl {}
Default value for widget QueueQueryControl {} is ''
In getValueFromControl for ApplicationQueryControl {}
Default value for widget ApplicationQueryControl {} is ''
In getValueFromControl for QueueQueryControl {}
Default value for widget QueueQueryControl {} is ''
In getValueFromControl for ApplicationQueryControl {}
Default value for widget ApplicationQueryControl {} is ''
In getValueFromControl for QueueQueryControl {}
Default value for widget QueueQueryControl {} is ''
In getValueFromControl for ApplicationQueryControl {}
Default value for widget ApplicationQueryControl {} is ''
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_RESERVATION_ID for control ReservationQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_RESERVATION_ID in refreshValueFromMap is ''
Control ReservationQueryControl {} is not selected
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_QUEUE for control QueueQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_QUEUE in refreshValueFromMap is 'n'
Control QueueQueryControl {} is not selected
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_APP_PROFILE for control ApplicationQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_APP_PROFILE in refreshValueFromMap is ''
Control ApplicationQueryControl {} is not selected
In getValueFromControl for QueueQueryControl {}
Default value for widget QueueQueryControl {} is 'n'
In getValueFromControl for ApplicationQueryControl {}
Default value for widget ApplicationQueryControl {} is ''
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_RESERVATION_ID for control ReservationQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_RESERVATION_ID in refreshValueFromMap is ''
Control ReservationQueryControl {} is not selected
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_QUEUE for control QueueQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_QUEUE in refreshValueFromMap is 'ni'
Control QueueQueryControl {} is not selected
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_APP_PROFILE for control ApplicationQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_APP_PROFILE in refreshValueFromMap is ''
Control ApplicationQueryControl {} is not selected
In getValueFromControl for QueueQueryControl {}
Default value for widget QueueQueryControl {} is 'ni'
In getValueFromControl for ApplicationQueryControl {}
Default value for widget ApplicationQueryControl {} is ''
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_RESERVATION_ID for control ReservationQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_RESERVATION_ID in refreshValueFromMap is ''
Control ReservationQueryControl {} is not selected
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_QUEUE for control QueueQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_QUEUE in refreshValueFromMap is 'nigh'
Control QueueQueryControl {} is not selected
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_APP_PROFILE for control ApplicationQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_APP_PROFILE in refreshValueFromMap is ''
Control ApplicationQueryControl {} is not selected
In getValueFromControl for QueueQueryControl {}
Default value for widget QueueQueryControl {} is 'nigh'
In getValueFromControl for ApplicationQueryControl {}
Default value for widget ApplicationQueryControl {} is ''
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_RESERVATION_ID for control ReservationQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_RESERVATION_ID in refreshValueFromMap is ''
Control ReservationQueryControl {} is not selected
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_QUEUE for control QueueQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_QUEUE in refreshValueFromMap is 'night'
Control QueueQueryControl {} is not selected
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_APP_PROFILE for control ApplicationQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_APP_PROFILE in refreshValueFromMap is ''
Control ApplicationQueryControl {} is not selected
In getValueFromControl for QueueQueryControl {}
Default value for widget QueueQueryControl {} is 'night'
In getValueFromControl for ApplicationQueryControl {}
Default value for widget ApplicationQueryControl {} is ''
In getValueFromControl for QueueQueryControl {}
Default value for widget QueueQueryControl {} is 'night'
In getValueFromControl for ApplicationQueryControl {}
Default value for widget ApplicationQueryControl {} is ''

Then I open the same run configuration a second time with the following trace. The first thing that happens for each attribute is that refreshValueFromMap() is called twice for each attribute. For LSF_QUEUE I see that the first time 'night' is retrieved from the map. Then refreshValueFromMap() is called again and this time the value retrieved from the map is null. It seems like something is rewriting the map. This is where I'm wondering if there's some sort of problem with the handling of the text widget and my custom widget which both reference and set the LSF_QUEUE attribute.

In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_APP_PROFILE for control ApplicationQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_APP_PROFILE in refreshValueFromMap is ''
Control ApplicationQueryControl {} is not selected
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_APP_PROFILE for control ApplicationQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_APP_PROFILE in refreshValueFromMap is null
Control ApplicationQueryControl {} is not selected
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_QUEUE for control QueueQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_QUEUE in refreshValueFromMap is 'night'
Control QueueQueryControl {} is not selected
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_QUEUE for control QueueQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_QUEUE in refreshValueFromMap is null
Control QueueQueryControl {} is not selected
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_RESERVATION_ID for control ReservationQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_RESERVATION_ID in refreshValueFromMap is ''
Control ReservationQueryControl {} is not selected
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_RESERVATION_ID for control ReservationQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_RESERVATION_ID in refreshValueFromMap is null
Control ReservationQueryControl {} is not selected
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_APP_PROFILE for control ApplicationQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_APP_PROFILE in refreshValueFromMap is null
Control ApplicationQueryControl {} is not selected
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_QUEUE for control QueueQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_QUEUE in refreshValueFromMap is null
Control QueueQueryControl {} is not selected
In refreshValueFromMap for LSF_RESERVATION_ID for control ReservationQueryControl {}
Value of LSF_RESERVATION_ID in refreshValueFromMap is null
Control ReservationQueryControl {} is not selected
In getValueFromControl for ApplicationQueryControl {}
Default value for widget ApplicationQueryControl {} is ''
In getValueFromControl for QueueQueryControl {}
Default value for widget QueueQueryControl {} is ''
In getValueFromControl for ApplicationQueryControl {}
Default value for widget ApplicationQueryControl {} is ''
In getValueFromControl for QueueQueryControl {}
Default value for widget QueueQueryControl {} is ''
In getValueFromControl for ApplicationQueryControl {}
Default value for widget ApplicationQueryControl {} is ''
In getValueFromControl for QueueQueryControl {}
Default value for widget QueueQueryControl {} is ''

The two methods in question are:

public void refreshValueFromMap() {
        Object value;
        System.out.printf("In refreshValueFromMap for %s for control %s\n",  name, control);
        value = lcMap.getValue(name);
        if (value == null) {
                System.out.printf("Value of %s in refreshValueFromMap is null\n", name);
                value = "";
        else {
                System.out.printf("Value of %s in refreshValueFromMap is '%s'\n", name, value);
        defaultValue = value;
        if (control.widgetSelected()) {
                System.out.printf("Control %s is selected, setting value '%s'\n", control, value);
                control.setSelectedValue((String) value);
        else {
                System.out.printf("Control %s is not selected\n", control);

public Object getValueFromControl() {
        Object value;
        System.out.printf("In getValueFromControl for %s\n", control);
        if (control.widgetSelected()) {
                value = control.getSelectedValue();
                System.out.printf("Value for widget %s is '%s'\n", control, value);
        else {
                value = defaultValue;
                System.out.printf("Default value for widget %s is '%s'\n", control, value);
        return value;

From:        Christopher Navarro <cmnavarr@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To:        <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:        03/01/2013 10:41 AM
Subject:        Re: [ptp-dev] Problem saving attribute values with        JAXB        custom        widgets
Sent by:        ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Just to clarify, I meant store an intermediate value in the custom widget's model class that gets returned instead of the control's value if the control has no values.


On 03/01/2013 09:35 AM, Christopher Navarro wrote:


If I understand your two widgets correctly, the custom widget is empty unless the user selects it and has it dynamically query the queues to populate a list; otherwise, a user can forego this step and simply enter the name of the queue they want, is that right?

If that's the case, I think I know what could be going wrong. Inside your custom model, I think you have to be careful about how you implement getValueFromControl. When your re-open the run dialog, that control has no values because it hasn't been ran yet so getValueFromControl is going to be null or empty. I believe refreshValueFromMap gets called first so you might need to store an intermediate value in your control that gets returned in the case that your custom widget hasn't been populated. Otherwise, what is probably happening is getValueFromControl is getting called and returning null (which gets stored for LSF_QUEUE) before the Text widget gets created.

Here is what I think those two methods should probably look like:

public void refreshValueFromMap() {
       Object value;
       value = lcMap.getValue(name);
       if (value == null) {
               value = "";
       intermediateValue = value;

       // Here you need to check if the widget was even populated. If it's not, this selection should not happen
       control.setSelectedValue((String) value);

public Object getValueFromControl() {
       Object value;
        if(((List)control).getItems.length == 0)) {
              value = intermediateValue;
        } else {
               value = control.getSelectedValue();
        return value;


On 02/28/2013 12:55 PM, Dave Wootton wrote:

I modified my methods as follows and still not getting correct results. My text box is still blank when I open the run configuration dialog

void refreshValueFromMap() {

       Object value;

       value = lcMap.getValue(name);

       if (value == null) {

               value = "";


       control.setSelectedValue((String) value);

Object getValueFromControl() {

       Object value;

               value = control.getSelectedValue();

       return value;


With this change, refreshValueFromMap is setting an initial value for my queryWidget and getValueFromControl gets that value back. If I don't click the list button, meaning I don't get my popup dialog and I don't update the widget value, I should get the same value back when I call getValueFromControl().

I tried debugging this a bit, where I set breakpoints on these two methods. When I open the run configuration dialog I stop twice at refreshValueFromMap for attribute LSF_QUEUE. The first time, lcMap.getValue() returns 'night' which is the saved value and I have the first traceback pasted below. I continue and get a second stop at refreshValueFromMap where this time the returned value is null and I have the second traceback pasted below. Since I get null, I set the value of my widget to "".

One other thing hat occurred to me. My text box is coded before my custom widget in the XML. Is it possible that there's some kind of timing/ordering problem where the text box is being handled second and somehow causing this?

Also, the tracebacks are with PTP Kepler code updated to latest source as of yesterday.


Christopher Navarro <cmnavarr@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
02/27/2013 05:20 PM
Re: [ptp-dev] Problem saving attribute values with JAXB        custom        widgets
Sent by:        

Hi Dave,

I don't see where you are setting the value for your custom widget inside refreshValueFromMap(), which might be why you don't see it update the UI properly when you open the run configuration (after a successful run with the correct queue). For example, if your custom widget was a Combo box, you should have something like:

public void refreshValueFromMap() {
      defaultAttributeValue = lcMap.getValue(name);
      if (defaultAttributeValue == null) {
              defaultAttributeValue = "";
      } else {
          // found a value, set it as the selection
          for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
             if (items[i].equals(defaultAttributeValue)) {


On 02/27/2013 03:58 PM, Dave Wootton wrote:


I've implemented a class LSFQueryModel which implements the AbstractUpdateModel interface.

I think the two methods of interest are getMethodFromControl() and updateValueFromMap() which I've implemented as follows

Object getValueFromControl() {

      Object value;

      value = control.getSelectedValue();

      if (value == null) {

              if (defaultAttributeValue == null) {

                      return "";


              return defaultAttributeValue;


      return value;


void refreshValueFromMap() {

      defaultAttributeValue = lcMap.getValue(name);

      if (defaultAttributeValue == null) {

              defaultAttributeValue = "";



The idea is that when the run configuration opens, refreshValueFromMap() will run and pick up whatever value is in the attribute set, which I'm expecting to be either the value saved from the previous run or the value typed in the text box if I type a value there.

Then when I click run, getValueFromControl(), that mathod will either get the value from the model if I clicked the list button and picked a value from the list, or get  defaultAttributeValue if I did not click the list button.

The other thing I'm doing, which I think is ok is that since I have three custom widgets which behave essentially the same, except for running a different LSF command, I have three <widget> specifications registered to the org.eclipse.ptp.rm.jaxb.control.ui.widget extension point. Each widget has a unique widgetClass but has the same updateModelClass. I thik this is ok because when I run in debug mode with a breakpoint set on getValueFromControl(), the 'this' variable has a unique id in the debug cariables view (id=nnn) and I'm seeing different data such as the 'name' field matching the attribute name.

I created a new run configuration where all attributes/fields are initially not filled in/blank. If I enter the name of the LSF queue in the text field or pick the queue name from my popup dialog then when I hit run the job is submitted with the right queue name.

I think the value is being stored correctly in the attribute set at that time since if I rerun the job with the same attributes (by clicking the Run icon and picking my application from the list, avoiding the run configuration dialog), that job is submitted with the correct queue name.

If I then open the run configuration dialog to the same run configuration, the fields where I use my widget including queue name are blank and if I don't change anything my job gets submitted to a default queue, not the queue I picked in the previous run configuration dialog instance.

So it looks like there's something going wrong when the new run configuration dialog instance is getting populated from the attribute set, but I don't know what.


Christopher Navarro <cmnavarr@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
02/27/2013 11:32 AM
Re: [ptp-dev] Problem saving attribute values with JAXB custom        widgets
Sent by:        

Your custom widget should have an update model associated with it and in there you should implement the method getValueFromControl() which specifies the object returned from your custom widget. This will get called by the AbstractUpdateModel when it attempts to store the value for your custom widget.


On 02/27/2013 09:57 AM, Dave Wootton wrote:

I've implemented a custom widget for my resource manager so the user can dynamically query LSF queues in the run configuration dialog, but have run into a problem where the attribute value for any attribute used by this custom widget is not saved across invocations of the run configuration dialog. Other attributes are saved.

I've implemented this by coding a text box widget and a custom widget which refer to the same attribute

<widget style="SWT.BORDER" attribute="LSF_QUEUE"

             type="text" >


                     <grid-data widthHint="300" horizontalSpan="1"/>




     <widget type="custom" typeId="queueQuery" style="SWT.LEFT" attribute="LSF_QUEUE">


                     <grid-data widthHint="100" horizontalAlign="SWT.BEGINNING" />




The way I intended for this to work was that the user can either just fill in the queue name in the text box or he can click the list button which is part of my custome widget, select a queue name from the table in a popup dialog and click ok.

I'm not doing anything in my custom widget to save the attribute value. Am I supposed to be doing anything to save the value? If so, how do I get access to the attribute? I see a 'lcMap' variable that's available to the refreshValueFromMap method in the model for the widget but I don't know how to get access to it for saving a value or where I would do that.

Is what I'm trying to do supposed to work?


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