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[ptp-dev] Update and long-term PTP commitment

Hi All,

Here's a quick update on my recent change in academic status and anticipated long-term commitment to PTP. From today's PTP developers call, it's probably also clear that I'm now the proud parent of twin boys! Lot's of great things happening these days.

I've now graduated and have been hired as a developer with the
Scientific Computing and Imaging
(SCI) Institute working under Dr. Martin Berzins to improve the scalability of the Uintah Computational Framework (among other things). Uintah currently scales to 98,000 cores on Kraken and Dr Berzins' group is working to get Uintah to scale to 200k cores on Jaguar. I'll be working extensively with MPI on several larger clusters and also porting existing Uintah components to GPUs.

This will be a great opportunity to expand my usage of & involvement with PTP. I should hopefully be available by mid-summer to contribute to PTP components other than GEM, perhaps beginning with taking on some unassigned bugs, etc.

Once at SCI (
I officially start July 1), I will also continue to collaborate with Ganesh Gopalakrishnan's formal methods group, e.g. I'll still be involved with GEM's development. There are two sharp undergrads now working on further development of GEM.

Best Regards,


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