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Re: [ptp-dev] Problems trying to create resource manager using XML framework

I experimented with this a bit and was able to create a PE proxy plugin, make a minor chnage to the XML configuration file and then see that change show up in the run configuration dialog.

I set the plugin up using theorg.eclipse.ptp.rm.jaxb.core plugin.xml and MANIFEST.MF files as a starting point where I copied them then changed those copies. In plugin.xml, extensions specifications, I left IDs, classes, etc the same as in your plugin.xml unless I thought I had good reason to change them to specify a unique id for my proxy. For the moment, I'm calling my proxy

I also copied your pbs-torque-generic.xml to a data directory in my plugin, named ibmpe_v2.xml.

In the org.eclipse.ptp.rm.jaxb.core.JAXBResourceManagerConfigurations extension point, I specified the id as but when I tried to open the run configuration dialog I got a bunch of InstantiationError exceptions.I changed it to org.eclipse.ptp.rm.jaxb.JAXBServiceProvider and the exceptions went away and I was able to see the widgets in the run configuration resources tab just like in your proxy.

I'm attaching my plugin.xml and MANIFEST.MF files. Can you let me know if I have these set up as you intended or what I need to change?



Re: [ptp-dev] Problems trying to create resource        manager        using        XML        framework

Albert L. Rossi to: Parallel Tools Platform general developers
04/26/2011 02:39 PM

Sent by: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Please respond to Parallel Tools Platform general developers


You're free to mess around with this as you like.  I can tell you what I'll be doing:

1.  Right now, there is an option to tail-F stdout to the console for batch jobs, but that involves some messy stuff you have to do in the script config to get it to work.  I think I'm going to get rid of that (it's a bit of a burden on the user/programmer to get it right) and just try to see if I can stream the entire file over upon job completion -- provided the user sets the file paths (I know for sure it is possible in both PBS and LL, I think it is for LSF too).

2.  I need to fill in a hole in the design.  Right now you can do batch submissions or interactive submissions to runtime engines like OpenMPI or PE.  To support interactive PBS (-I) or whatever the equivalent is in LL, I need a way of indicating that a command is really the input stream to another command, and then add the implementation hooks for it.

I definitely want to know if there are other holes here necessary for supporting PE/LL; I may not be able to address them immediately, but the sooner the better.

Thanks, Al
----- Dave Wootton <dwootton@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Al
> I extracted the four plugins from the orbit project, matching the levels
> called out in your MANIFEST.MF into my workspace. I have no errors on them
> or your plugins. I started an Eclipse runtime session and see that they
> all load when I look at the plugin list in help/about in the runtime
> session.
> When I try to add a new resource manager, I created a  PBS Torque
> (Generic) resource manager, but didn't start it. I then opened the run
> configuration dialog and selected the PBS Torque RM and got a multi-tab
> page under resources in run configuration. So it looks like I've at least
> got a starting point.
> If you want me to wait a few days before continuing with a PE resource
> manager experiment, that's fine with me.
> Dave
> From:   "Albert L. Rossi" <arossi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To:     Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date:   04/26/2011 11:16 AM
> Subject:        Re: [ptp-dev] Problems trying to create resource manager
> using   XML     framework
> Sent by:        ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Dave,
> First, I have not tried to build using Java 1.6.  I was under the
> impression that we were not migrating HEAD to 1.6, and that is the reason
> for the additional plugin requirements.
> The next build should have all the required plugins, but for now you need
> to get these from Orbit:
>  javax.xml;bundle-version="1.3.4",
>  javax.xml.bind;bundle-version="2.1.9",
>  com.sun.xml.bind;bundle-version="2.1.9",
>  javax.activation;bundle-version="1.1.0"
> I'm not sure what the forbidden references is all about.  There may be a
> few inevitable ones to CDT, but not to the Java runtime as far as I know.
> Yes, the way to go would be to create the plugin and use the extension
> point to map the name of the new RM to the location of the configuration
> file in it.
> Al
> ----- Dave Wootton <dwootton@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Al
> > I'm experimenting with building a PE resource manager using your
> framework
> > and ran into a problem where I suspect I don't have some prerequisite
> > plugins installed. I've installed the Indigo M6A build, CDT 8.0, RSE
> 3.3,
> > Java 1.6.20  and extracted the latest PTP source from HEAD.
> >
> > At first I was getting hundreds of error messages in
> > org.eclipse.ptp.rm.jaxb.core complaining about forbidden references to
> > classes in the Java runtime. I got around that by turning off the error
> > flag in the error/warnings properties page for forbidden reference.
> >
> > Then I got error messages in org.eclipse.ptp.rm.jaxb.core
> > org.eclipse.ptp.rm.jaxb.tests and org.eclipse.ptp.rm.jaxb.ui complaining
> > that, javax.xml.bind, com.sun.xml.bind and
> > javax.activation could not be resolved.  Is there something else I need
> to
> > install? I see the javax* packages defined in the Java 6 javadoc but not
> > Java 5.
> >
> > I'm assuming once I get everything else configured properly, I need to
> > create a single PE plugin that refers to your framework and sets up the
> > right extension points. What do I need to specify in these files to get
> > set up?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Dave
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