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[ptp-dev] PTP 4.0.6 in the Helios SR2 maintenance staging repository is done

PTP 4.0.6 is in the Helios SR2 staging repository.

It is available in the software repository (formerly known as update site) at

and will shortly be promoted to to be ready for the release on Friday Feb. 25
(it still appears to contain 4.0.3 as of this writing.)

I hope you've been testing before now... but I encourage everyone to test on their platforms.


Beth Tibbitts
Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform
IBM STG - High Performance Computing Tools
Mailing Address: IBM Corp., 745 West New Circle Road, Lexington, KY 40511

----- Forwarded by Beth Tibbitts/Watson/IBM on 02/22/2011 11:25 AM -----


David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS




02/18/2011 01:58 AM


[cross-project-issues-dev] Helios SR2 maintenance staging repository is done

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That last aggregation rebuild is now complete, and has been promoted to /releases/maintenance. Thanks all for your patience and especially your contributions to improving the quality of this service release.

Some time next week I'll promote to /releases/helios to allow mirroring to begin, and then "make visible" on Friday, 2/25, 9:00 AM (Eastern) ... assuming no serious issues require other actions.

I have disabled the helios.runAggregator job in Hudson which means 1) any rebuilds will need to be explicitly requested (and approved, etc.) and 2) if any of you move your SR2 repositories to a more "released" location next week, you can safely update your contribution files to have an accurate final URL, without fear of triggering a rebuild.

Do use care, though, since we want to the ability to do a rebuild on a moments notice ... just in case something seriously wrong is discovered in the next few days.

I have also tagged the CVS contribution files with "Helios_SR2" so serve as a reference, for those that provide specific features versions and URLs in their contribution files (as we all should, IMHO ... but I know others have different opinions and processes). The tag is there, if you find it handy.

Thus begins quite week. It is a good time for continued testing, since even if you can not fix a bug for the literal release, it is always best to find serious issues before hand, so you can prepare update sites or workarounds for your users before they find the issues.

We used to say to update to final locations on the "day before" release, but we have found, in the past few maintenance releases, this can cause a bit of a bandwidth bottleneck that last day (we've gotten too big for one day of mirroring ... apparently) so as long as you have the ability to keep your stuff "invisible" feel free to move your big artifacts to their final locations beginning Monday or so, so allow several days of mirroring before we make things visible Friday morning.

As always ... questions welcome. I'll keep you updated as things change or progress.

Much thanks,

cross-project-issues-dev mailing list

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