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Re: [ptp-dev] more on RM XML

----- Albert L. Rossi <arossi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have been updating the posted XSD ( as I work through the first example XML, which I have also posted (PBS).
> My plan of action is as follows:
> 1.  Write the stub code for marshaling this XML into Java using JAXB.
> 2.  Implement prototype RM which extends Greg's abstract class and composes into itself the construction of the data object based on this XML.
> 3.  Perhaps try to do the same for OpenMPI (which poses other challenges).
> Two things are currently on my mind.
> 1.  I need a way in the replacement process to indicate an object (bean) field.  I don't think the Eclipse mechanism does this.  In the XML I have indicated this by ${object[field]}; this assumes there is a "get[Field]".  Are there overriding objections to using Java reflection?

Actually, since the types of objects going into the properties map are pretty much known, a small set of specialized accessor wrappers is probably all the is necessary here.

> 2.  I am trying to figure out the easiest route to describing the transformation of nodes:ppn into totalCores (to be used on the mpiexec line as -np ${totalCores}) in a general way.  ("for segment in 'nodes:ppn+nodes:ppn+...' do ... totalCores += nodes*ppn").  
> Maybe I shouldn't bother and just ask the user to overspecify, that is:
> Nodes:  2:ppn=32
> -np:    64
> ... 
> Al
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