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[ptp-dev] more on RM XML

Hello all,

I have been updating the posted XSD ( as I work through the first example XML, which I have also posted (PBS).

My plan of action is as follows:

1.  Write the stub code for marshaling this XML into Java using JAXB.
2.  Implement prototype RM which extends Greg's abstract class and composes into itself the construction of the data object based on this XML.
3.  Perhaps try to do the same for OpenMPI (which poses other challenges).

Two things are currently on my mind.

1.  I need a way in the replacement process to indicate an object (bean) field.  I don't think the Eclipse mechanism does this.  In the XML I have indicated this by ${object[field]}; this assumes there is a "get[Field]".  Are there overriding objections to using Java reflection?

2.  I am trying to figure out the easiest route to describing the transformation of nodes:ppn into totalCores (to be used on the mpiexec line as -np ${totalCores}) in a general way.  ("for segment in 'nodes:ppn+nodes:ppn+...' do ... totalCores += nodes*ppn").  

Maybe I shouldn't bother and just ask the user to overspecify, that is:

Nodes:  2:ppn=32
-np:    64



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