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Re: [ptp-dev] workspace project information is clobbered

Hi Al,
going backwards (taking e.g. an Indigo ws and opening it in Helios) is typically not going to work.
But going forward, that should work. Or else users can't upgrade existing workspaces.
Is it just a *remote* project that doesn't work?


Beth Tibbitts
Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform
IBM STG - High Performance Computing Tools
Mailing Address: IBM Corp., 745 West New Circle Road, Lexington, KY 40511

Inactive hide details for "Albert L. Rossi" ---12/20/2010 12:51:30 PM---There seems to be some bi-directional incompatibility b"Albert L. Rossi" ---12/20/2010 12:51:30 PM---There seems to be some bi-directional incompatibility between the workspace metadata for Helios and


"Albert L. Rossi" <arossi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>


Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


"'Galen Arnold'" <arnoldg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>


12/20/2010 12:51 PM


[ptp-dev] workspace project information is clobbered

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There seems to be some bi-directional incompatibility between the workspace metadata for Helios and Indigo.

Here's what I've done and what I see:

1. Downloaded a fresh install of 3.6.1 cpp, used p2 to install PTP 4.0+.
2. created a workspace bdwork
3. made a remote project cloud2d, pointing to cloud2d_test source directory in my home dir on
4. quit 3.6.1.
5. Downloaded the prepackaged indigo ptp distribution.
6. pointed it at bdwork

The workspace shows a closed cloud2d project. When I try to open, I get this warning:

"The project description file (.project) for 'cloud2d' is missing. This file contains important information about the project. The project will not function properly until this file is restored"

If I try to create a new remote project, the previous info about the connection is missing.

7. Create a new remote project, cloud2d1, and new connection info.
I get a warning about overwriting previous .project info. I click OK, then finish.
But the setup wizard never exits. Hitting finish repeatedly brings up the same warning.

HOWEVER, if you remove the original project (don't delete on disk), then create it again, #7 completes successfully.

NOW, try to go back to the workspace using the Helios release. The same thing happens: cloud2d is closed, you get the warning message, etc.

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