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Re: [ptp-dev] [ptp-user] Creating a new Resource Manager


You might want to look at this bug:

[Bug 310193] Hung progress bar on job submission

I don't know whether this is exactly your problem, but the issue we had to fix with PBS was that the proxy was not including the original jobSubId generated by the client with the NEW_JOB_EVENT issued on the basis of the appearance of the job in the queue.  I did this simply by mapping the batch id to the job sub id inside the submitJob() call, and then having the listener which emits the event access the map and remove that mapping when the event is sent (you don't need that id thereafter and can throw it away).

----- Steven R. Brandt <sbrandt@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I've re-written things to use AbstractToolRuntimeSystemJob.
> I wrote the following method (see below) on my subclass, which calls 
> changeJobState twice. Even though the job runs and the output appears on 
> the screen, no state change occurs and my submit progress remains at 
> 85%. Any ideas?
> BTW: I included the waitFor() call at the end, otherwise I tend to get 
> this error:
> java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException: Process not Terminated
>      at org.eclipse.cdt.utils.spawner.Spawner.exitValue(
>      at 
> org.eclipse.ptp.remote.internal.core.LocalProcess.exitValue(
>      at 
>      at
> Cheers,
> Steve
> ======
>      @Override
>      protected void doExecutionStarted(IProgressMonitor monitor)
>              throws CoreException {
>          // TODO Auto-generated method stub
>          IRemoteProcess process = getProcess();
>          InputStream in = process.getInputStream();
>          changeJobState(JobAttributes.State.RUNNING);
>          while(true) {
>              int c;
>              try {
>                  c =;
>              } catch (IOException e) {
>                  break;
>              }
>              if(c < 0)
>                  break;
>              System.out.append((char)c);
>          }
>          try {
>              in.close();
>          } catch (IOException e) {
>          }
>          try {
>              getProcess().waitFor();
>          } catch (InterruptedException e) {
>              e.printStackTrace();
>          }
>          changeJobState(JobAttributes.State.COMPLETED);
>      }
> On 09/22/2010 06:46 AM, Greg Watson wrote:
> > (Redirecting to ptp-dev)
> >
> > Steve,
> >
> > You need to change the job's state attribute from 
> > JobAttributes.State.STARTING to JobAttributes.State.RUNNING for the 
> > launch to complete. This needs to happen *after* the call to 
> > doSubmitJob() returns, so you will need another thread or some other 
> > way of changing the state. See 
> > AbstractToolRuntimeSystemJob#changeJobState for sample code.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Greg
> >
> > On Sep 21, 2010, at 9:22 AM, Beth Tibbitts wrote:
> >
> >> ptp-dev is probably a better list for a this question but i think 
> >> most of the developers watch ptp-user as well
> >>
> >> ...Beth
> >>
> >> Beth Tibbitts
> >> Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform
> >> IBM STG Communications Protocols and Tools
> >> Mailing Address: IBM Corp., Coldstream Research Campus, 745 West New 
> >> Circle Road, Lexington, KY 40511
> >>
> >> <graycol.gif>"Steven R. Brandt" ---09/20/2010 03:52:18 PM---This is 
> >> probably the wrong list for this question, so please help me find the 
> >> right one.
> >>
> >> <ecblank.gif>
> >> From: 	<ecblank.gif>
> >> "Steven R. Brandt" <sbrandt@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:sbrandt@xxxxxxxxxxx>>
> >> <ecblank.gif>
> >> To: 	<ecblank.gif>
> >> PTP User <ptp-user@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:ptp-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>>
> >> <ecblank.gif>
> >> Date: 	<ecblank.gif>
> >> 09/20/2010 03:52 PM
> >> <ecblank.gif>
> >> Subject: 	<ecblank.gif>
> >> [ptp-user] Creating a new Resource Manager
> >> <ecblank.gif>
> >> Sent by: 	<ecblank.gif>
> >> ptp-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:ptp-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> >>
> >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> This is probably the wrong list for this question, so please help me
> >> find the right one.
> >>
> >> I'm developing a new PTP resource manager object. By way of testing and
> >> figuring out how things work, I create a fake job that does nothing.
> >>
> >> I subclass org.eclipse.ptp.rmsystem.AbstractResourceManager and provide
> >> it with a method:
> >>
> >>     @Override
> >>     protected IPJob doSubmitJob(String subId,
> >>             ILaunchConfiguration configuration, AttributeManager attrMgr,
> >>             IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
> >>         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
> >>         System.out.println("doSubmitJob");
> >>         if(monitor != null) {
> >>             monitor.done();
> >>         }
> >>         IPJob job = newJob(queue, subId, new AttributeManager());
> >>         return job;
> >>     }
> >>
> >> This puts the job to the 85% completed stage, but it does not get any
> >> further. How do I make the job show as complete? Thx.
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >> Steve
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> ptp-user mailing list
> >> ptp-user@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:ptp-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> ptp-user mailing list
> >> ptp-user@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:ptp-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> >>
> >

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