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[ptp-dev] GEM Presentation at ICPP - PSTI

Hi All,

Chris Derrick and I were at ICPP 2010 yesterday and presented our paper "GEM: Graphical Explorer of MPI Programs" at the PSTI workshop. We were able to do a good overall demo of GEM which was well received. There were people from Rice, LLNL, ANL, TU Dresden, SDSC, Samsung, UC Berkeley.

Beth - Tasneem Brutch, the the MCA Tools Infrastructure Work Group Chair may have contacted you some time ago regarding interest in PTP. She organized the PSTI workshop.

Many were not aware of PTP's scalable parallel debugger, job launch facilities, etc and were pleasantly surprised by the strength of the platform and the array of tools it provides. We talked personally with several people who were particularly interested in PTP's facilities and tools. Overall, it was great exposure for Eclipse, PTP and GEM.

Regarding our U. Utah group's joint tutorial at SC'10, info can be found here. GEM and PTP will be demoed/shown. DAMPI, one  of the scalable tools being discussed, is another tool we're working to add support for in GEM in addition to ISP.


Max - Congratulations on the acceptance of your most recent paper.

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