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Re: [ptp-dev] build errors

Hi Roland,
Yes that's the same one as before...
The problem was not that a @since tag is missing, but that a package should not have been externalized.
I fixed it in the ptp_4_0 branch late last week and in all the work getting the release out meant to also fix it in HEAD but forgot.
I have checked in the manifest. Please let me know if your workspace is clean now.
Thanks for checking.

I don't know why my API tooling isn't working in that project, or I would have seen it too.
I have API tooling set up in Preferences...
AHA!!! The baseline was there, but somehow got unset. You don't see it's missing unless you 'Edit' the baseline.
I kept looking and seeing it there, not realizing it got 'unhooked' from the snapshot of the 4.0 code.
I have opened to suggest the pref. page needs
to indicate when the code pointer is empty.

Thanks Roland!


Beth Tibbitts
Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform
IBM STG Communications Protocols and Tools
Mailing Address: IBM Corp., Coldstream Research Campus, 745 West New Circle Road, Lexington, KY 40511

Inactive hide details for Roland Schulz ---08/16/2010 08:56:56 PM---Hi, with current HEAD I get:Roland Schulz ---08/16/2010 08:56:56 PM---Hi, with current HEAD I get:


Roland Schulz <roland@xxxxxxx>


Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


08/16/2010 08:56 PM


[ptp-dev] build errors

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with current HEAD I get:
Description Resource Path Location Type
Missing @since tag on / line 28 @since tag problem
The minor version should be incremented in version 4.0.1.qualifier, since new APIs have been added since version MANIFEST.MF /org.eclipse.ptp.remote.rse.core/META-INF line 5 Version Numbering Problem


ORNL/UT Center for Molecular Biophysics
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