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Re: [ptp-dev] Possible ETFw issue

Hi Max,

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.  I'll take a look.  Does anyone know how to translate those macro values to the original literal values?


On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 1:49 PM, Max Billingsley III <billingsley@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

This message is about a possible issue with the External Tools Framework (ETFw), and intended mainly for Wyatt...

I am working on some fixes/updates to our PPW plugin(s), and am encountering an issue that I believe is within the ETFw.  Using the latest build (actually, a build from late last week) of Eclipse Helios, CDT, and PTP (with the ETFw projects actually checked out from CVS), I have the following issue...

I first encountered a problem when trying to profile with PPW; the process would hang after the build step.  After digging into the problem by examining/debugging ETFw code, I found the following line in (in the org.eclipse.ptp.etfw.internal package), in the initMMBuild() method (line 284):

 binary = buildInfo.getBuildArtifactName();
 and saw that the contents of the binary variable was this:


so that it seems the ETFw may be assuming that this will give the literal name of a binary, when in fact it can be a macro (or whatever CDT technically calls these).
 After looking into this a bit further, it appears that CDT project wizards, when creating new C projects, are using "{ProjName}", where previous versions appear not to have done this.  I observed this by going to C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Build Artifact and seeing that "Artifact name" is set to "{ProjName}" immediately after creating a project via a wizard (in Helios).

Do you think you could take a quick look at this?  I hope I'm not just doing some wrong, but this appears to be something that would break in many cases.

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