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Re: [ptp-dev] SDM Debugger/Eclipse client protocol


if we anyhow change the protocol format wouldn't it make sense to use an existing library then reinventing the wheel?

The requirements I see:
Supports Java and C/C++  
Fast to parse

There are many libraries which do that ( One is

Only potential problem I see is that the interface is C++ and not C. But there is really no platform anymore without C++ compiler - so I don't see why we wouldn't want to compile the proxy/sdm with C++.


On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 4:17 PM, Dave Wootton <dwootton@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

This might work work, but I think it gets a bit complicated in the Eclipse client code if we don't assume the message arguments and event arguments aren't of type String

.I've already modified the args array that is built on the proxy side to contain the existing array of char * and a character array parallel to that defining the type  of the argument as either string or enum. To do this right, the args array should probably be an array of a union between char *, int, enum and bitset *. I implemented the 'type' array as a second array instead of defining a struct containing type flag and a 4 byte int/pointer since I was concerned the compiler would pad this and make it an 8 byte element rather than a 5 byte element, meaning three wasted bytes per argument.

proxy_serialize_msg could be changed to prefix each argument with a type byte. When the client retrieves the message, the code handling that in the ProxyPacket class must recognize the argument type byte and decode the following argument according to type. The rest of the event handling code in the Eclipse client seems to be oriented around treating the arguments as a generic array of String. If we were to change this, I think we end up defining specific constructors for a bunch of events that accept differing sets of arguments based on event type and adding a bunch of more specific event encoding logic.

proxy_deserialize_msg currently pulls each argument out of the message buffer and puts it into the args array as a string. That could be changed to construct the args array with each argument being stored as the proper type.

There's some functions in the SDM  utils/event.c source file that do some parameter validation, get the next string argument out of the message array and convert to the proper type (dbg_str_to_*). I think those get changed to keep the validation, but the conversion becomes a copy or maybe a different conversion.

The Eclipse client seems to be implemented with the assumption that the array of arguments to a command is an array of String, and that the set of parameters associated with an event is also an array of String. For commands sent from the client to the proxy, this probably isn't a problem since the proxy command handler functions currently assume they get an array of char * as a parameter.
The debug commands issued by the client are defined such that they consist of an array of String arguments or a bitset passed as a String. I think this means that all debugger commands sent by the client to the debugger are assumed to be sent as strings and it's up to the handler in the debugger to understand what the real type is and convert accordingly.

Greg Watson <g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 03/29/2010 12:53 PM
Subject: Re: [ptp-dev] SDM Debugger/Eclipse client protocol
Sent by: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Dave,

I agree that it would be nice if we could be more intelligent about types rather than sending everything as strings. What do you think about adding a byte to each argument to indicate a data type? We currently have key/val, string, and int, but we could also add other types where it would make sense for efficiency.

Other than the corresponding routines in org.eclipse.ptp.proxy.protocol, I can't think of anywhere else in the debugger that would be impacted.


On Mar 29, 2010, at 10:30 AM, Dave Wootton wrote:


I looked at the SDM code and think I have additional changes on the proxy side of the connection as follows:

1) sdm_message_send serializes msg->aggregate, msg->src and msg->dest by converting them to ASCII strings. I think I need to convert the aggregate value to varint and the src and dest to an array of byte data The body of the message has already been converted to the new binary protocol by proxy_serialize_msg

2) The aggregate, src and dest need to be converted back to int and bitset in sdm_message_progress. The body of the message gets converted back to message header and args array form in proxy_deserialize_msg.
3) In proxy_deserialize_msg, it looks like each argument gets added to the args array as a string value, where if the string represents an enumeration, the value is reconstructed as key=value

4) DbgDeserializeEvent looks like it is ok as-is. Converting the message from binary format to the existing message header and array of string arguments in proxy_deserialize_msg then parsing the message header and array of strings format into the proper internal variables in DbgDeserializeEvent seems a little inefficient in terms of CPU time. However, if proxy_deserialize_msg was to do anything more intelligent, then I think each argument in the binary message format needs to carry a type specification so it can be properly decoded. There's probably a number of other changes elsewhere in the code if we change the internal message structures to deserialize the message more intelligently.

These are the changes I can find by just reading the code. There might be more that will be found as part of actually changing the code.

Does this seem reasonable?


From: Greg Watson <g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 03/24/2010 04:46 PM
Subject: Re: [ptp-dev] SDM Debugger/Eclipse client protocol
Sent by: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Yes, the debugger protocol is in org.eclipse.ptp.proxy.protocol, and the SDM (org.eclipse.ptp.debug.sdm) uses both the proxy and utils libraries. For the C side, take a look in src/client/client_cmds.c and src/utils/event.c.


On Mar 24, 2010, at 10:27 AM, Dave Wootton wrote:


I realized that in my rework of the client/proxy protocol I didn't consider SDM debugger communication with the Eclipse client. Does the debugger use the same ProxyPacket class as the proxies use, and does the SDM debugger use the same org.eclipse.ptp.proxy and org.eclipse.ptp.utils libraries as the proxies use? Are there other places where I should look as part of implementing the binary proxy protocol changes?

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