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Re: [ptp-dev] release status


Two things. 

1. The cdtdb-4.0.3-eclipse.jar file seems to contain two copies of the same file, which is causing the jar signer to barf:

$ jar tf cdtdb-4.0.3-eclipse.jar | grep

Please take a look at this and see if you can work out what is going on.

2. Please update the Photran section of the N&N page on the wiki ( If you have some screen shots of new features, please add them here.



On Dec 2, 2009, at 6:07 PM, Jeffrey Overbey wrote:

>> The org.eclipse.rephraserengine.core.vpg package includes a nested jar file: cdtdb-4.0.3-eclipse.jar
>> What is it and is it needed? It seems to be causing the build to fail.
> This is basically a copy of the database supporting the indexer in CDT
> 4, which also supports Photran's indexer.  There were some changes in
> CDT 5 that weren't compatible with our indexer.  It's in a JAR because
> (1) it will never change, (2) being in a JAR prevents it from
> accidentally being changed, and (3) this way all of the compilation
> warnings and static analysis results are for my code, not stuff copied
> from CDT.
> In reply to your other message, thanks for the new build!
> Jeff
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