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Re: [ptp-dev] Re: Question about bug 292049

I have code in the proxy already, ifdefed out for now, that is supposed to 
generate the routing file. The code generates the routing file after the 
attach.cfg file is read. The code I have now writes one line per task with 
task index, hostname and the string '7777' (I don't remember what 7777 is 
for). This is only a few lines of code so I should be able to make the 
change fairly quickly.

The questions I have are what directory do I need to create this in, and 
how is that directory name passed to the proxy? Currently I think my code 
is picking it up from the PTP_JOB_WORKING_DIR_ATTR passed in the target 
program invocation request but I'm not sure if that's the right value or 
if I can count on that always being passed.

Greg Watson <g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
JiangJie <yangtzj@xxxxxxxxxxx>
11/05/2009 09:51 AM
[ptp-dev] Re: Question about bug 292049
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Yes, this should really be inside the 'if', but it was moved because the 
PE RM does not currently generate a routing file.

Dave, would it be possible to add this to the PE RM? Would it help if I 
provided some support functions in the utils package? 


On Nov 5, 2009, at 9:37 AM, JiangJie wrote:

Hi Greg,

I'm almost done with the new patch.
But during the test process, I found a problem that has been solved 
In, writeRoutingFile() method has been moved outside the 
following "if (fSdmRunner !== null)" condition,
which will eliminate the use of 
SLURMServiceProvider.needsDebuggerLaunchHelp().  Even if 
needsDebuggerLaunchHelp() returns false,
the PTP debugger will still try to write the routing file. As we have 
discussed, SLURM proxy cann't provide enough information
for PTP debugger to generate routing file.Instead, it writes the routing 
file on its own. 

So is it possbile to move the call to writeRoutingFile() inside the "if" 
condition? (There is a version of PTP where the call to writeRoutingFile() 
IS inside the "if" condition in my cvs update. When did this change 


Subject: Re: Question about bug 292049
From: g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 3 N! ov 2009 10:04:59 -0500
CC: ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: yangtzj@xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Jie,

The changes to the views look fine.

To fix the slurm.h problem, I've modified the proxy code to add "PTP_" to 
the beginning of all proxy*.h constants. Please update the slurm C code to 
use the new names and hopefully this should resolve the problem.


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