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[ptp-dev] RDT index server question


When I turn logging on the RDT index server, I see something like the messages below. I understand why I'm seeing the "Unresolved inclusion" messages for "cstdarg", etc. (I can remove these by changing the indexer properties), but any idea why I'm seeing the last message? In the include browser, I see "test3.c" and under that "stdio.h", but I'm not seeing any further nested includes. Is this expected behavior?


Sat Oct 31 14:24:27 EDT 2009
INFO CDTMiner-RemoteIndexManager: Index at location:/Users/greg/ testing/rdt-server/remote3.pdom
Sat Oct 31 14:24:27 EDT 2009
INFO CDTMiner-RemoteLanguageMapper: Language ID mappings: {org.eclipse.cdt.core.lrparser.xlc.cpp =org.eclipse.ptp.rdt.xlc.remote.RemoteXlcCPPLanguage, org.eclipse.cdt.core.gcc =org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.gnu.c.GCCLanguage, org.eclipse.cdt.core.lrparser.xlc.c =org.eclipse.ptp.rdt.xlc.remote.RemoteXlcCLanguage, org.eclipse.cdt.core.g+ +=org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.gnu.cpp.GPPLanguage}
Sat Oct 31 14:24:27 EDT 2009
INFO CDTMiner-RemoteLanguageMapper: Instantiated language: org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.gnu.c.GCCLanguage
Sat Oct 31 14:24:27 EDT 2009
INFO CDTMiner-RemoteLanguageMapper: Instantiated language: org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.gnu.cpp.GPPLanguage
Sat Oct 31 14:24:27 EDT 2009
ERROR CDTMiner: Indexer: Unresolved inclusion: "cstdarg" in file: ______:1
Sat Oct 31 14:24:27 EDT 2009
ERROR CDTMiner: Indexer: Unresolved inclusion: "cstdio" in file: ______:1
Sat Oct 31 14:24:27 EDT 2009
WARNING CDTMiner-RemoteLanguageMapper: No language id for 'resource.h'
Sat Oct 31 14:24:27 EDT 2009
ERROR CDTMiner: Indexer: Unresolved inclusion: "sys/resource.h" in file: ______:1
Sat Oct 31 14:24:27 EDT 2009
ERROR CDTMiner: Indexer: Unresolved inclusion: "ctime" in file: ______:1
Sat Oct 31 14:24:27 EDT 2009
ERROR CDTMiner: Indexer: Unresolved inclusion: "stdarg.h" in file: ______:1
Sat Oct 31 14:24:27 EDT 2009
ERROR CDTMiner: Indexer: Unresolved inclusion: "stddef.h" in file: ______:1
Sat Oct 31 14:24:27 EDT 2009
WARNING CDTMiner-RemoteLanguageMapper: No language id for 'types.h'
Sat Oct 31 14:24:27 EDT 2009
ERROR CDTMiner: Indexer: Unresolved inclusion: "sys/types.h" in file: ______:1
Sat Oct 31 14:24:27 EDT 2009
ERROR CDTMiner: Indexer: Unresolved inclusion: <stdio.h> in file: / Users/greg/testing/remote3/test3.c:8

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