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Re: [ptp-dev] How to add Resource Managers Factories?

Hi Yuanbin Zou,

Resource managers are added by contributing an extension to the "resourceManagers" extension point. This is managed by org.eclipse.ptp.internal.core.ModelManager. Resource persistence (resourceManagers.xml) is handled by org.eclipse.ptp.internal.rmsystem.ResourceManagerPersistence. Both these are in the org.eclipse.ptp.core plugin, so replacing the org.eclipse.ptp.ui plugin should not change how this is handled. However, if you're bypassing code in the org.eclipse.ptp.core plugin by reading/writing resourceManagers.xml directly, then the org.eclipse.ptp.ui plugin is probably not going to work correctly.


On Mar 1, 2009, at 2:16 AM, Grandet wrote:

Hi, all
      I am trying to develop a new UI plug-in, which can creat links and resources managers with a configuration gotten from a database. I have read the codes checked out from the CVS site, and tried to write codes imitating the codes of project "org.eclipse.ptp.ui". Now, when I run the application with the project "org.eclipse.ptp.ui", my plugin can read the configuration file ".metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.ptp.core\resourceManagers.xml"; while I tried to run without this project, I trie to add a resource manager, a message box was opened with infomation like this:"No Resource Managers Factories are plugged into this application". In my final release, I would like to replace the "org.eclipse.ptp.ui" with my plug-in, so, I want to know which part in the project "org.eclipse.ptp.ui" is responsible for the task of "plug the resources managers to the application"?
     I am hoping to get response from you.

2009-03-01 15:03:04
Yuanbin Zou
FIT 1-111, Tsinghua University, Beijing,China
Residence: +86-10-6279-6954
Mobile: +86-135-8154-2786
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