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[ptp-dev] build status

The build was successful last night, but there are still quite a few bugs open. In particular, I think 251592 and 252081 (and 251479?) are serious enough to delay the release. Also, I have been unable to get the TAU Fortran component to successfully build, so this may also be a show stopper. I suggest we delay RC4 until tonight and reassess the situation tomorrow. Comments?

132908norP3g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxASSIAll2.1RC4In the processes portion of the Job's view in the debug view PIDs always show up as 0
197135norP3g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxREOPLinu2.1RC4Process output view loses stdout output
205862enhP3g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxNEWLinu2.1RC4channel program output to front in debug launch
223229norP3g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxASSIUnix2.1RC3Problem validating fields in preferences and RM wizards
241899norP3g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxASSIMac2.1RC4PTP prereqs should not test just >= since it will accept eclipse/cdt "too new"
248299norP3g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxASSIWind2.1RC4Proxty startup hang with RSE connection
250839norP3g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxREOPUnix2.1RC3UNIX BUILD scripts do not find proxy source directories
251479norP3recoskie@xxxxxxxxxxNEWMac2.1RC3Remote Call Hierarchy doesn't work on RC2
251592norP3g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxASSIAll2.1RC4Importing existing remote project works with RSE but not Remote Tools
252073norP3g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxNEWMac2.1RC4Cannot build TAU Fortran component
252081norP3g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxASSIAll2.1RC4PTP breakpoints do not work with RDT editor

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