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Re: [ptp-dev] Problems with null pointer exceptions in PTP 2.0 RSEFileSystem.getStore on AIX

Sounds good. There was still a problem with the getResource() code, since it shouldn't be causing a NPE. I'll probably add the code to prepend the CWD to relative paths anyway since this seems better than just failing.


On Sep 17, 2008, at 9:09 AM, Dave Wootton wrote:

This turns out to be a problem with my code. There is a PE option in my resource tab panel that is an AIX only option and which is the relative pathname to a log file that PE is to create. I'm trying to validate that relative pathname on the remote system and that's where I am getting the null pointer execption. Since this is a relative pathname, I should not be
trying to validate it at all and will have to fix my code to eliminate
that validation.

I think I pretty much have to restrict any pathnames to be absolute paths since the current working directory when my proxy starts can, and probably will be different than what the current working directory will be when the application runs. Since the PE options apply to the application and the
current working directory that applies to the PE options will be the
application's current working directory, I think allowing relative
pathnames will only confuse the user and make validation difficult.

Greg Watson <g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
09/17/2008 08:22 AM
Please respond to
Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Re: [ptp-dev] Problems with null pointer exceptions in PTP 2.0
RSEFileSystem.getStore on AIX


If you want to keep the path relative, you could also try changing
getWorkingDirectory() to something like:

try {
IHostShell cmd = connection.getRemoteShellService().runCommand("", "pwd",
new String[0], new NullProgressMonitor());
String path = cmd.getStandardOutputReader().readLine().getString().trim();
return new Path(path);
} catch (SystemMessageException e) {
return new Path("/");


On Sep 17, 2008, at 8:12 AM, Greg Watson wrote:

Probably a better solution is to add:

if (!path.isAbsolute()) {
path = getWorkingDirectory().append(path);

just before the return. However, that probably won't solve your problem
though, because there doesn't seem to be any way to get the working
directory in RSE so it still won't be able to find the file. You really need to supply the absolute path to the file you're trying to check for.


On Sep 17, 2008, at 7:58 AM, Greg Watson wrote:


Can you try changing the return in RSEFileManager.toURI to:

return new URI("rse", connection.getHost().getHostName(),
path.makeAbsolute().toPortableString(), null); //$NON-NLS-1$

Let me know what happens.


On Sep 16, 2008, at 11:10 PM, Dave Wootton wrote:

I'm trying to run my PTP 2.0 plugins on AIX and am having problems with
lots of null pointer exceptions when filling in a launch configuration
that I'm not seeing on Linux that have the following few methods at the
top of the traceback
org .eclipse .core .internal.filesystem.NullFileSystem.getStore(

org .eclipse.rse.internal.efs.RSEFileSystem.getStore( 88)

org .eclipse .ptp.remote.rse.RSEFileManager.getResource(

org .eclipse .ptp .rm .ibm .pe .ui .rmLaunchConfiguration .PERMLaunchConfigurationDynamicTab .validateOutputPath(

org .eclipse .ptp .rm .ibm .pe .ui .rmLaunchConfiguration .PERMLaunchConfigurationDynamicTab .validateOutputPath(

org .eclipse .ptp .rm .ibm .pe .ui .rmLaunchConfiguration .PERMLaunchConfigurationDynamicTab .validateMiscTab(

org .eclipse .ptp .rm .ibm .pe .ui .rmLaunchConfiguration .PERMLaunchConfigurationDynamicTab .validateAllFields(

org .eclipse .ptp $EventMonitor.modifyText(

I downloaded the PTP code from CVS using the PTP 2.0 tag to try to debug this. It looks like the reason I'm getting the null pointer exception is because there's a call to RSEFileManager.toURI where a URISyntaxException is caught and that method returns null. The IPath object that's passed to toURI has a device=null and a segments array with a single String element
with value pmadjpri.log.
The detail message in the URISyntaxException is "Relative path in absolute
URI". The input variable in the URIException object is

Is this exception being thrown because of something missing out of the
pathname (it looks like '/' or ':' might be missing)?

Note: The pmadjpri.log is passed in as a String parameter (path name) to
my method
org .eclipse at line 2740 where I'm trying to validate a pathname on the remote system.
Am I doing something invalid in that method?

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