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[ptp-dev] Possible NullPointException in RemoteLaunchProcess

In RemoteLaunchProcess from Remote Tools plugin, I noticed codes as following:

protected void runApplication() throws CoreException, CancelException {
if (! launchIntegration.getDoLaunchApplication()) {
launchProcessOutputWriter.println("* Launch configuration does not require running the executable.");


RemoteProcess remoteProcess = null;
executionResult = new ExecutionResult(); <-- executionResult is Null if launchIntegration.getDoLaunchApplication() return false


After returning from runApplication(), it goes to:

try {
runApplication(); <-- return directly if launchIntegration.getDoLaunchApplication() is false


if (executionResult.getStatus() == ExecutionResult.SUCCESS) { <-- NPE is thrown here
} else {

Because the getDoLaunchApplication() method in launchIntegration can be overrided as returning false, so a NPE will be thrown without checking if the executionResult is Null. How about add a simple check here?

Daniel, could you have a look at this?

Best Regards,

Hongchang Lin
System Performance Tools
IBM China Systems & Technology Laboratory in Shanghai
Tel:86-21-6092-2424 (T/L: 11902-2424)

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