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Re: [ptp-dev] Trace View of the g-Eclipse project


> Thomas,
> Sorry for the delay in responding; I was at a review meeting all last week.
> How much of this pre-reqs running on your grid infrastructure? Hopefully it
> can also be of use to other parallel machine (more typical PTP user)
> scenarios.

Most of the functionality of the trace view has no strong dependency to the 
rest of g-Eclipse. The trace part is quite independent and the debugging part 
bases on CDT. 

If you have no Grid available at all you still can open trace files and have a 
look at the recorded data. The debugging features in the trace view are 
usable for MPI programs started using the glogin tool 
( right now (there is an own launch 
configuration type for that in g-Eclipse), this requires that you have glogin 
installed on a Grid node which allows to submit jobs using the Globus 
middleware (as Globus 2 jobs). But since the debugging functionality is 
basing on CDT, I think it should be possible to extend it so that it can be 
used programs which have been started using PTP. (It might also be nice to 
have some glogin resource manager which allows to plug in glogin based job 
submission into PTP, but I guess this is something that needs a little more 

> How is the trace gathered?  Perhaps we could also integrate it usin the PTP
> Performance Tools Framework (PTFw)?
> Wyatt and I are in the process of documenting this further; I should have
> an outline at least there later this week.  It should be available at
> Both Wyatt and I have been out of town etc. but we know this needs to be
> done so others can use it.
> The PTFw would make launching/trace Gathering available from a profile
> launch, and give a callback to perhaps display the trace view.
> Or perhaps your existing infrastructure has some of this?

At the moment the traces come from prerecorded program runs. These traces can 
come from NOPE or a tool which generates OTF traces (the OTF support is still 
in a very early state). To display data in the traceview there needs to be 
some trace provider which returns an instance of the ITrace interface which 
is then used by the traceview to get the trace data. This info could also be 
returned by something that does the data collection online, this might still 
need a bit of work, but is possible basically. Other plugins have the 
possibility to pass an ITrace to the traceview so it would be possible to add 
a trace for example during program launch.


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