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[ptp-dev] Remote Indexing

I have been having my hands on remote indexing but getting stuck at many points. As you have mentioned that you are done with initial steps
and got the index populated, is it possible for you to share the steps that you have carried out. I shall wait till the formal posting of those
steps but as of now; just to get started rough idea or anything with which i can start off would do.
Approach that I shall be following  -
1 - Indexing the files at server end.
2 - Fetching the output of remote indexing.
3 - Displaying it in a required format (either in hierarchy or in meta data style,simple text format).
Problems -
1 - Indexing the files at server end.
     - how to achieve this indexing either by running commands on console or there is some extension point available?
     - since we will be working on the server itself, i think running indexing commands on console would be a better option(correct me if i am wrong).
     - instead of referring to the remote files, generated by indexing; how about having those tag files as a local resource?

It would be great if I get any pointers so that i can also start implementing and knowing the architecture better.
Also correct me if I am going wrong anywhere.

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